
Activities, which the Flower Theater has accomplished back in time
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  • Art therapy
  • Civic education
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  • Social projects
  • Performances
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  • Dream Theater

    Theatre has the advantage, in front of all kinds of arts, to enable each participant's task to be tailored to his / her strengths, preferences and abilities, while maintaining the motivation to work together to achieve a common goal, which would not be possible without summing up the contributions of each of them. The theater also offers space […]
  • The eye of an artist, the soul of a poet

    with the support of the Ministry of Culture The performance “Eye of an Artist, soul of a poet "is built on the stories" After the harvest ", Asphyxiation, "Mowers" and "In the Other World", included in the curriculum in literature in primary and secondary education. It is designed to increase students' interest in the work of Elin Pelin, whatever […]
  • Harassment and abuse

    Resume: The project will be implemented for 32 months (from 01-09-2018 to 30-04-2021) from a consortium of 7 partner organizations from 6 different countries (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Portugal and Denmark) and associate partner, led by FSZK NGOs, Hungary. The main goal of the project is to support the daily work of educators to prevent different […]
  • Violence at school

    The Theatre "Tsvete" offers five forum theatrical performances, associated with various forms of violence, suitable for different age groups. Forum Theatre is a theatrical play, in which the actors present a problematic situation. The audience, who is also a participant in the performance, is invited to suggest and play solutions to alleviate it. Forum Theater gives viewers an incredible chance to try it out […]
  • “Colorful shadows”

    Co-financed by the Culture Program of Sofia Municipality, the Partnership Project of NGO Flower Theater and the Health Initiative Foundation envisages conducting innovative non-formal health education of 800-1000 growing up between 13 and 18 years, aimed at preventing the use of >drugs and the associated risk of HIV infection, by including them in a forum theatrical performance […]
  • Lesson on empathy

    with the support of the Ministry of Culture Implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, won through a competition “The flying knight” presents the story of a boy […]
  • Development of the audience of people with hearing impairments in Bulgaria

    Supported by NFC, Audience Program, agreement № 122-P – 18 – ORG1620-23 /18.09.2018 Marketing strategy for dissemination of the ready innovative sign-verbal show "Borders". Production of leaflets and posters, distributed by centers of the Union of the Deaf in. Stara Zagora, Burgas, Yambol and Sofia. Digital advertising campaign on the social network Facebook. Developing active communication with audiences […]
  • Prevention of school violence

    funded by RCBPPMN - Mladost district "Flower" Theater offers five forum theater performances (external link), associated with various forms of violence, suitable for different age groups. Forum Theatre is a theatrical play, in which the actors present a problematic situation. The audience, who is also a participant in the performance, is invited to suggest and play solutions to alleviate it. Forum […]
  • Theater Against Violence 2018 Campaign

    At the Theater Against Violence Festival, held on 26.11.2018 were presented at the Alma Alter University Theater 4 forum theatrical performances. At the end of 2017. Tsvete Theater announced its intention to hold a THEATER AGAINST VIOLENCE Campaign at a meeting with principals of Sofia schools and representatives of local commissions for combating anti-social behavior of minors. […]
  • Who will be king?

    with the support of the program "Agriculture and Rural Development 2014-2020" of the European Commission. A puppet tale with the participation of the audience for children from 3 to 10 years The show teaches young viewers how important it is for people to take care of nature, so that nature can take care of them. They get many opportunities to participate […]
  • "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

    Erasmus + program 2014-2020 Key action 2: Strategic partnership projects “In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and foreigners “AGREEMENT № 2016-1-PL01-KA204-026320 (4) Project summary The project “In Europe, with or without us - the fate of the excluded and foreigners "takes action on behalf of various disadvantaged groups, […]
  • Mixing audiences through art

    with the support of the European Commission's Creative Europe Program Creating an opportunity for equal inclusion of people with disabilities in the arts as performers or audiences, is a pan-European problem, which deals with numerous organizations, each of which - with specific tasks and discoveries. The problem concerns many people, therefore, the partnership between them is very appropriate and […]
  • Puppet celebrations in the Rhodopes

    with the support of the Plovdiv Together 2019 Foundation The project is funded by the Plovdiv 2019 Foundation „, direction "Chitalishte: Community participation and innovation ”and is implemented in cooperation with: Ltd. "Balkanida", Rhodope Spark Community Center - 1880 ″ and Nikola Vaptsarov Community Center - 1936 ″ The project includes three interactive puppet shows on the stages of Rhodope Spark Community Center - 1880 в […]
  • “Different together”

    From the beginning of September 2016 year in Sofia Municipality district "Poduyane" project "Different together" is implemented, funded by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds with a signed Grant Agreement № BG05M2OP001-3.001-0066 under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth". The beneficiary of the project is Sofia Municipality "Poduyane" district, […]
  • “The flying knight”

    The performance was realized with co-financing from the Sofia Culture Program in support of the candidacy of Sofia and the Southwest region European Capital of Culture - 2019 r. The puppet show "The Flying Knight" presents the story of a boy with an unusually wild imagination.. His classmates do not accept him because of his differences. And adults are mired in their own problems. What's happening […]
  • The dose

    forum theatrical performance for students over 12 Peter is years old 17 years. He studies and struggles with life in the big city on his own. He falls in love for the first time and is ready for anything for his girl. Unfortunately, Lina is addicted to drugs. To help her when she's in crisis, Peter commits theft. […]

    A puppet show for educating the little ones in tolerance
  • In defense of our rights

    Training of pedagogues for conducting training under the Convention on the Rights of the Child through art and drama techniques With the support of the Program for support of NGOs in Bulgaria on EEA FM 2009 – 2014

    European partnership for working with people at risk of social exclusion. The project focuses on the main issues, contained in the Europe 2020 guidelines - inclusive economic growth, which is characterized by a high level of employment and providing economic, social and territorial cohesion; the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The project includes the following goals: […]

    EDUCATHE + Educational Theater - Center for Integration and Demonstration of Work Potential of People with Disabilities Funded by the EU Education Program, training, youth and sports (Erasmus +), EDUCATHE + is a partnership project of eight organizations from six EU member states and one partner country, who strive together to improve employment […]
  • “Dolls against violence”

    Prevention of peer violence. Presentation of the puppet forum theatrical performance to students at the initial stage in metropolitan districts with a predominant Roma population. With the support of the Sofia Culture Program 2015 with the assistance of the Ministry of Interior 14.04.2015. A project against violence in schools has been launched The project is being implemented with the active participation of GDNP and the assistance of the Sofia Municipality. The initiative is […]
  • “THE SWORD OF THE Cricket”

    based on the fairy tale of the same name by Petya Karakoleva together with the AMADEUS Theater A merry puppet story against violence for children from 3 up to 6 years of age, with direct involvement of the audience in the show. It has been heard and seen that Cricket does not want to play his violin, but to swing his bow like a sword? With us and will […]
  • “And if it was you ?!”

    Preparation and presentation at a student forum of theatrical performances on issues of concern to the participants. With the support of the Sofia Culture Program 2014 Students of the basic school course of 42 Hadji Dimitar Primary School, 44 Neofit Bozveli High School and 95 SOU “Prof.. Ivan Shishmanov ”- Poduyane region in the first two weeks of December will present theatrical performances, created by problems, […]
  • "You decide!“

    creating a forum theatrical performance against peer violence for children from 9 to 13 year. With the support of the Ministry of Culture, a forum for theatrical performance against peer violence for children from 9 to 13 year. Today, school violence has become so commonplace, that students often do not notice it. Everything […]
  • Documentary Theater Studio

    Establishment of student theater groups for non-formal civic education of peers by peers With the support of the Foundation "Development of Civic Initiatives" The project was implemented with the help of the Foundation "Workshop for Civic Initiatives" under the program "Rainbow", with the financial support of the OUK Foundation and the Velux Koga Foundation? 01.04.2011 – 01.10.2013 Where? At four […]
  • 3-daily training "Possible applications of game art techniques in pedagogical practice"

    conducted within the project "Studio DOCUMENTARY THEATER" with the support of the Foundation "Development of Civic Initiatives"
  • Partner in the project "Educational integration of children and students from ethnic minorities"

    of V. Vodenicharski High School - village. Hayredin, reg. Vratsa Project of the Ministry of Education After the scene, the mayor threatened to fire a teacher, and the driver is still scared, that after he fired the headmistress, will fire four more teachers… The scene entitled "BULGARIAN PARTICIPATION" was presented at the meeting of teachers-parents in connection with the final activities of the project. The same project, by […]
  • Speakers.Pro project of the Smart Foundation

    preparation for successful professional realization. Partners - Facilitators of the practical activities for acquiring knowledge and skills on how to be realized on the labor market With the support of the Youth Program.
  • An interactive puppet-dramatic performance

    Creating an interactive puppet-drama show for the education of non-violence and tolerance With the support of the Sofia Culture Program School violence is now so common, that children get used to it, they begin not to notice it. Victims alone cannot get used to it; usually these, which attract attention with their diversity.. Schooling is long out of date - […]
  • Renewal 3-day training in forum theater

    for a renewed composition of the youth theater-discussion club "Eight +". Targovishte Local financing