The mask
"THE MASK" - forum theater on the theme of alienationThe story of two friends and classmates, which isolation changed.https://youtu.be/7s3nyu4El-Q
"THE MASK" - forum theater on the theme of alienationThe story of two friends and classmates, which isolation changed.https://youtu.be/7s3nyu4El-Q
Emma and Rado are preparing for exams, To go to follow together abroad.
Tsvete Theater continues the series of educational performances to help students. Jordan's War Stories
The spectacle “Nashenets”, which Theater “Tsvete” created based on the works of Aleko Konstantinov with the financial support of
National Student Dormitory 22.03.2024 19:00 The performance “White Scarf, red carnation" presents the stories of Yordan Yovkov
The innovative performance collects actors without and with auditory violations of a single -ditty, as well as hearing and
The child grows up, when he asked himself the important questions “Who am I?”And“ What I came for ”
The performance "The Eye of an Artist, soul of a poet "is built on the stories" After the harvest ", Asphyxiation, Mowers
Forum theatrical performance for young people over 13 years for drug use and risk
“And what would you do??” is a forum theatrical performance, in which three of the
Theatre Tsvete,
zh.k.. Mladost 1, bl.15, вх.Б, apt. 41
City. Sofia
Postal code. 1750
tel / fax: 02/884 54 71
mob: 0898 644 971 - Violina Markova
mob: 0886 319 605 - Tsvete Yaneva
e-mail: theatre_tsvete@abv.bg