AND …..FT Youth Group from city of Sliven… continues forward!!! Well done, amazing girls and boys! Well done, Gabriel Perev !
The charm of ,,ALICIA IN THE LAND OF SUBSTANCE”-FORUM THEATER also dawned on the improvised stage in the OU “Hristo Botev”, from. Samuilovo!
To everyone's delight, our humble event became more than just putting on a play. 

We use the occasion, to say hello OU Hristo Botev Samuilovo on the occasion of the school's 150th anniversary! We wish the leadership and teachers to be as devoted to the educational work!
Thanks and Humanitarian High School for the unceasing support in every meaningful endeavor!
The performance is part of the project “New Attitude”doc. N 25-00-30/12.07.2023 is carried out by Theatre “Tsvete” with the financial support of Ministry of Youth and Sports