Theatre Tsvete is an association of professional theatergoers,
sharing the mission of applying art to the positive
social change. To be able to provide professional support through creative pedagogical techniques at work, the team is constantly updating its methods, exchanging experience in participating in international art and social projects Actors are trained in various postgraduate qualification courses, international trainings, seminars and workshops.
• course in Psychodramatic methods when working with adolescents, victims of violence at Dr. David Yeroham;
• a series of trainings of the European Cultural Foundation "Art for social change",
• Techniques for teaching modern sex education
• Training for trainers under the Convention on the Rights of the Child
• International training in new techniques in Forum theatre, conducted by Augusto Boal.
• Sensory theater training
• Drama techniques in education
• Training for working with young offenders
• Physical theater based on the method of Jacques Lecock
• Drama techniques in education