“Borders” interview for BNR

"Borders" – a performance, mixing sign and spoken language

Theatre “Tsvete” presents to 27 March in town Sandanski from 19.00 h. and on 28 March in Sofia from 19.30 h. in The National Student House with free entrance to the bilingual performance “Borders”. It is based on the play “Kokunor and Uniku” on Eero Enquist and was implemented in partnership with Theatre “MIM-ART”. Adaptation and direction are by Vasil Spasov, and the scenography of Boyana Bachvarova. The roles are entrusted to the actors Rositsa Karadzhova, Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova, Nuri Yasharov and Todor Yankulov.

The innovative bilingual show brings together actors without and with hearing impairments on one stage, as well as a hearing and non-hearing audience in one hall. Each image is represented by a pair of actors, which in a unique way combine two languages ​​- spoken and signed. Theatre “Tsvete” works with different types of minority groups and people with disabilities.

The play “Borders” was implemented according to the program “Creative Europe" in five countries simultaneously – Portugal, Croatia, England, Belgium and Bulgaria, with each country interpreting the drama in a different way. The distribution of the show is organized with the financial support of National Fund “culture". “PROGRAM FOR THE RESTORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS".

Nadia Atanasova met the director Vasil Spasov, from whom you can learn how he came up with the idea to create this type of innovative spectacle.

Listen to the interview in the attachment.

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