Brave Dragon

Far away, far away, in the midst of the thickest forest, in the deepest cave, the last one lived A dragon on the world. It had no one to play with…….. And went looking for friends. Passed through seas and oceans, winds and hurricanes and reached the sunniest clouds. And there danced their heavenly dance two long legs Ballerina birds. Liked it The dragon the dance of the birds and asked to dance with them too. The birds persecuted The dragon – it didn't look like them at all!!! Past tense. Demolished The birds eggs and boasted to everyone. It also came The dragon to please them, but they drove him away again. Suddenly the evil one invaded Ice Hurricane… He drove the Birds from their nests and left the eggs without mothers. But just then…

Come and see what happened!

  • Director

    Tsvete Yaneva

  • puppeteers

    Nina Staneva and Petar Chekurov

  • Dolls

    prof. Maya Petrova

  • Music

    Andrey Drenikov and Elena Metodieva

  • Participate

    Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova, Dana Andonova, Ekaterina Kazakova, Konstantin Kostov and Philip Gulyashki

  • Duration

    45 minutes

  • Appropriate for

    3 - 10 annual

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