Theatre Tsvete is a non-governmental organization, which consists of professional actors, directors, psychologists and volunteers. Applying in his work innovative for Bulgaria interactive theatrical techniques, they help children and young people, regardless of their origin and capabilities, to get to know and accept themselves and others; provoke their personal development; encourage their positive inclusion in public life.
Private theatre "Tsvete" was founded in 1993 from Violina Vasileva, Georgi Stoyanov, Ekaterina Kazakova, Konstantin Kostov, Mary Carney, Poliksena Hardalova and Tsvete Yaneva – alumni of NATFA “Krastyo Sarafov”, Sofia – department Puppet theatre. He is a director and main sponsor eng. Yanko Yanev
On 13 April, 1999r. the formation is registered as a non-profit association for private benefit under the law on persons and families, and in 2013r. has been re-registered under the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities as performing activity in public benefit.
The work of the association is guided by 3-member Management Board, the chairman of whom he represents. They are currently members of the Management Board Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova and Ekaterina Kazakovbut, and the chairman – Tsvete Yaneva. All decisions are discussed and adopted at general meetings.
From 1995 the team focuses mainly on the application of drama and theater techniques in the social and educational field. For this purpose he was trained in postgraduate qualification courses and international trainings, seminars and workshops. He is constantly updating his methods, participating in European training projects for trainers and exchanging experience in participating in international art and social projects. Volunteers from all over the country help us in our work, passed through our trainings - students, students, teachers…
The actors work and FOR and WITH children and young people and their environment to create preconditions for their future positive inclusion in social life, regardless of their origin and capabilities:
• to develop their personal potential and build a value system;
• for prevention of participation in acts of violence, ethnic intolerance, sexually transmitted diseases, human trafficking, drugs;
• for the inclusion of disadvantaged adolescents: from minority ethnic groups, deprived of parental care, homeless, with physical and intellectual problems, with deviant behavior, dropped out of school, victims of violence and military conflicts;
• for their inclusion in a youth network for non-formal civic education of peers under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Applying innovative for our country theater- and drama techniques, actors conduct non-formal civic education among adolescents. The audience is not just a spectator, a and a participant in an interactive presentation. In work sessions, students learn through experience, and not by learning, how to deal with life's problems
To help successfully introduce young people from isolated communities into social life, the team works to break stereotypes in society's attitude towards them. Organizes public performances of theatrical performances, in which they participate, together with other peers.
Conducts national and international trainings and exchange of experience in the application of drama- and theater techniques in social work for educators, actors, social workers, young people - volunteers (The Balkans, Western Europe, USA).
Looking for cooperation with parents, state and municipal institutions, NGOs, mass media.
Winner of international awards.
Member of the International Drama / Theater Association in Education IDEA, The National Network for Children, World Puppet Theater Association UNIMA, The Association of Bulgarian Puppet Theaters ACT