On Live moab for forum theater in Bulgaria

On Live moab for forum theater in Bulgaria

The story is inspiring, and digital is the future of interactive social theater, provoking change. The Theater of the Oppressed was developed with the experiments of the Brazilian theater practitioner, theorist and political activist Augusto Boal in the 1960s. The spark of social change through art successfully ignites the hearts of young actors and directors from NATFA, who in 1993 founded their own private Flower Theater. Already 28 years the team of theater “Tsvete” actively works on the application of drama and theatrical techniques in the social and educational spheres. In a year of pandemic conditions, Ttheater “Tsvete” wins the project “We play your story” in program “The crisis as an opportunity” of Sofia Municipality, in which it transports the forum scene into cyberspace. They are coming 6 forum theatrical performances, exported entirely online. Two of them are prepared in advance, the rest 4 will be worked out yet, on personal stories related to violence, which every young victim is invited to share in the organization's email. The first performance of the series will take place this Sunday, 28-my february from 17:00h. (https://fb.me/e/gPMZgcMeb) at this ZOOM link: https://bit.ly/3dNDU1i and will be broadcast on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ForumTheaterOnline and in youtube channel on Omai.TVyoutube.com/omaitv About the achievements and future creative plans of Flower Theater we will talk to some of its founders and supporters this Saturday Live моабет exactly at 18:00h.

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