Nothing remains hidden

Theatrical and social formation "Theatre Tsvete"

Dear friends,

SNC “Theatre Tsvete” started working on a project “Nothing remains hidden”.
The project was approved by The Ministry of Youth and Sports under the National Program for the Implementation of Youth Activities Art. 10and from the Law on Gambling 2024.

A youth camp will be organized for another year 15-19 years old. Over 100 youth and youth workers from the country will be part of a camp “Equal to the world”, where the main topics will be primitive human rights and the means of counteraction and intolerance to domestic violence and cyber brakes.
For the purpose “Theatre Tsvete” will work with its established experts,as well as in collaboration with leading experts on the issues of cyberbullying and domestic violence. The culmination of the project will traditionally be the creation of forum-theatre performances
in different settlements in the country ,where there will be premieres of the works created by the youth with the help of our theater experts,Forum theatrical performances on the problems of domestic violence and cyberbullying .
After the end of each performance, round tables will also be organized in places, in which we will invite interested local municipal structures to take part, experts and citizens.

All this is aimed at achieving awareness among young people about contemporary problems, related to domestic violence and cyberbullying. The subsequent informal training of peer by peer is essential to our growth as a society, which does not tolerate manifestations of not only domestic violence and cyberbullying, and violence and harassment in general.

Project “Nothing remains hidden” with contract No. 25-00-7/16.09.2024 r. is financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports under the National Program for the Implementation of Youth Activities under Art. 10and from the Gambling Act.

Camp "Equal to the world"

Day 1

The youth of the Gr. Yambol, who presented two pre-prepared forum-theatrical productions.

Day 2

Diana Videva and Anna Burieva from Demetra Association Today they took part in a project “Nothing remains hidden”.
They presented to young people the different types of violence and effective methods of opposition.
The youth took part in different games, which provoked them to think about the problems, related to violence and stereotypes and seek answers for themselves.

Training about the types of violence and ways of prevention, Knowing and Games. So the day was briefly.

Day 3

The 3rd day of a camp was dumped and “Equal to the world”. 🎬
In this part of the photos we will show you the process of creating stories in 3 Stop (scenes, representing the case chronologically, as the actors are “frozen” and in the 3 stages).

Shots of a day 3 at the camp, representing three stories in stop footage and three forums-theater performances.

Day 4

Camp “Equal to the world” – Initial Forum-Theatrical Performance on Cities.
And later and organized “Talent evening”, which offered an extremely cultural diversity – recitation, singing, theatrical game, folk dances and others.
Camp “Equal to the world”, part of a project “Nothing remains hidden” on Theatre “Tsvete”, ended successfully!
The project is to be created 8 Forum-Theatrical Performances on Places, But for that we will write again. 🙂
We thank everyone involved! Until soon! ❤️

Local preparations for forum-theatrical performances

Project work Nothing remains hidden continues with the creation of 8 Forum-Theater Productions on the place.
The photo is the group from the town of Kardzhali, which rehearses a cyberbullying topic with the name “Hidden reality”.
The premiere will be on 07.02.2025 r. in the city. Kardzhali.
We wish our useful work! ❤️

Sliven is rehearsing forum-theatral spectacle “Pinch”! 👁️👅👁️

Nothing remains hidden and in Zlatograd!
The premiere of the youth from Zlatograd expect 23.01.2025 r. The performance focuses on pressing topics related to various forms of violence and cyberbullying.

City Tvarditsa also held their first rehearsals to create a forum-theatrical performance by project Nothing remains hidden .
It seems to have been fun! 🤪
We get involved with photos from a city Gotse Delchev, where the smiles on their faces are still wide since camp “Equal to the world”!
We wish the group successful work with a manager Martin Noev!
The youngsters from the gr. Chepelare rehearsal “If someone understands” – A forum Theatrical History of Cleaned Friendship, For the confidence conveyed, For the traps of something, Which at first glance looks like love…
A trembling preparation is flowing in g. Yambol, where youths form their forum-theatrical performance, which will play on a local scene. 🥳
We show you some of the process of this preparation, And soon you can expect a date for the premiere!
Nothing remains hidden – recent rehearsals! We are looking forward to you in 18.00h in the small hall of a community center “Enlightenment”!
V from. Bistrica work on a forum-theatral case “Love chaos”.
What is “toxic” and can we fight with the love coupings with which our lives are bombarded. Come and see 09.02.24 from 16:00 o'clock in НЧ “Light -1927” from. Bistrica commune. Dupnitsa

Local premiers

Forum Theater Prime Ministers

Local premiere in. Sliven

The first premiere on a project Nothing remains hidden on Theatre “Tsvete” is a fact! 🥳
On 16.12.2024 r. The Sliven Group presented a forum-theater performance “Pinch”!

Local premiere in. Gotse Delchev

Successfully passed the second premiere on a project “Nothing remains hidden”! 🥳
The youths of the city Gotse Delchev presented two forums-theatrical productions to the local audience, that filled the hall in “The House of Culture”!
We share footage of the event and congratulate the students for the success achieved! ❤️👇

Local premiere in. Zlatograd

Well done, girls and boys! ❤️
You were wonderful! We are proud of you!
The Zlatograd audience again numerous, engaged and empathetic!
We heartily thank Цплр Златоград for cooperation. We are happy, that the spectacle “Nothing remains hidden” will continue to live full -bloodedly and have already received invitations to present in the schools of the Gr. Zlatograd and Startsevo.

Local premiere in. Chepelare

“If someone understands”,
story, told via a forum-theater by the youth of the Gr. Chepelare, For a misunderstood friendship, For the confidence conveyed, For the traps of something, Which at first glance looks like love…
The event will be held on 25.01.2025 r. from 17:00 h. in Community Center “Rhodope spark 1880” in the city. Chepelare. Admission is free!
Happy premiere, Dear young friends from the gr. Chepelare!
Thank you for the enthusiasm, For the persistence and courage to face the demanding audience of your city, which definitely already knows what a forum theater is!
I will bend you, that you shared with us your story, exciting; intriguer; provoke; Asks questions and seeks answers!

Local premiere in. Kardzhali

Another successful project premiere Nothing remains hidden ! 🥰
The youngsters from the gr. Kardzhali presented a forum-theatrical performance “Hidden reality” in front of the completed hall of CPLR ODK – Kardzhali.
📸 How did the event go, See in the frames:
Premiere in a city Tvarditsa! 🎭
Two forum-theatrical performances await us and there. “You will later pay” and “There is no time in time”.
The event will be held on 08.02.2025 r. in the hall of НЧ “St.. St.. Cyril and Methodius – 1914”, city. Tvarditsa from 17:00 h.
Success of the youth! 🐥
“Po- късно ще си платиш and След време,няма време in Tvarditsa!!!! ……Повече от два часа и повече от двеста човека гледаха с притаен дъх вълнение и съпричастност, даваха конструктивни идеи и търсеха решения на проблемите в двете ФТ представление на прекрасните млади хора от гр.Tvarditsa.
Well done, children!We are proud of you!
Горещо благодарим и на Nadia за нестихващия ентусиазъм, за смелостта, за таланта и неуморния оптимизъм, с които води тези невероятни момичета и момчета!
“Love chaos” is a story about the toxic ex and what can cause you and the people around you. For the boundaries in relationships and what happens, When they are broken and/or deliberately ignored.
V from. Bistrica, reg. Dupnitsa Local youth will present a forum-theatrical performance, that can bring back memories in a lot of us… 👀
The event will be held on 09.02.2025 r. from 16:00 h. НЧ “Light – 1927”, from. Bistrica.
Submission! 😇
ФТ Премиера и Кръгла маса по проект ,,Nothing remains hidden” in с.Бистрица,Dupnitsa са вече факт!!!
НЧ ,,Light -1927″ с.Бистрица, беше препълнено до краен предел от ентусиазирана, подкрепяща и съпричастна публика.Браво,girls and boys!
It was also a city to Yambol to shine on stage! 🎇
The group of young people there will present two forums theater performances below the common name “The price of silence”.
The event will be held on 10.02.2025 r. in The visual hall of Yambol Municipality from 13:30 h.
We wish a successful presentation to our young friends! 😎
Ямболските младежи зарадваха с 2 форум-театрални постановки многобройната местна публика във вчерашния ден! 🥳
С прекрасно представяне на ямболската група, завършихме цикъла от форум-театрални премиери в 8 населени места по проект “Nothing remains hidden”.
Споделяме снимки от събитието и благодарим на всички Вас за подкрепата в това приключение! ❤️

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