Dear friends,
SNC “Theatre Tsvete” started working on a project “Nothing remains hidden”.
The project was approved by The Ministry of Youth and Sports under the National Program for the Implementation of Youth Activities Art. 10and from the Law on Gambling 2024.
A youth camp will be organized for another year 15-19 years old. Over 100 youth and youth workers from the country will be part of a camp “Equal to the world”, where the main topics will be primitive human rights and the means of counteraction and intolerance to domestic violence and cyber brakes.
For the purpose “Theatre Tsvete” will work with its established experts,as well as in collaboration with leading experts on the issues of cyberbullying and domestic violence. The culmination of the project will traditionally be the creation of forum-theatre performances
in different settlements in the country ,where there will be premieres of the works created by the youth with the help of our theater experts,Forum theatrical performances on the problems of domestic violence and cyberbullying .
After the end of each performance, round tables will also be organized in places, in which we will invite interested local municipal structures to take part, experts and citizens.
All this is aimed at achieving awareness among young people about contemporary problems, related to domestic violence and cyberbullying. The subsequent informal training of peer by peer is essential to our growth as a society, which does not tolerate manifestations of not only domestic violence and cyberbullying, and violence and harassment in general.
Project “Nothing remains hidden” with contract No. 25-00-7/16.09.2024 r. is financed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports under the National Program for the Implementation of Youth Activities under Art. 10and from the Gambling Act.
Camp "Equal to the world"
Day 1
The youth of the Gr. Yambol, who presented two pre-prepared forum-theatrical productions.
Day 2
Training about the types of violence and ways of prevention, Knowing and Games. So the day was briefly.
Day 3

Shots of a day 3 at the camp, representing three stories in stop footage and three forums-theater performances.

Local preparations for forum-theatrical performances

Local premiers
Forum Theater Prime Ministers
Local premiere in. Sliven

Local premiere in. Gotse Delchev

Local premiere in. Zlatograd

Local premiere in. Chepelare

Local premiere in. Kardzhali

Local premiere in. Tvarditsa

Local premiere in. Bistrica

Local premiere in. Yambol