New Attitude

Theatrical and social formation "Theatre Tsvete"


For several years now the world, that surrounds us, is hostile, limiting and unpredictable. The consequences are particularly severe, which this suffocating atmosphere inflicts on young people. They
fall into an unbalanced mental state of angry helplessness and worthlessness – basis for various manifestations of risky behavior: uncontrollable irritation, uncritical overconfidence, apathetic passivity or an attempt to escape from reality. The main goal of our project is to stimulate the growth of the youth participants as conscious initiators of positive social changes among the youth, leading to the development of civil society in Bulgaria.

Specific project objectives:

  • Creation of favorable conditions for social inclusion of young people from different geographical areas, demographic and ethnicity;
  • Conducting informal training of participants on the Convention on Human Rights;
  • Identification of important issues according to the participants;
  • Alarming the negative consequences of the lack of commitment in solving the problems that affect them;
  • Motivating participants for volunteer work in order to initiate youth activity in solving social problems;
  • Conducting informal training of young people-trainers of their peers to prevent risky behavior in various social-problem situations through the means of theater;
  • Support of voluntary youth cultural initiatives at the local and municipal level to increase the civic activity of young people;
  • Informal training of youth workers in good European practices for working with young people in order to increase the effectiveness of their work;
  • Building lasting connections between youth workers from different parts of the country to exchange ideas and interact.

Activities to achieve the goals:

  • Project management and administration;
  • Awareness and publicity measures for the program and the project;
  • First camp – training on the Convention on Human Rights;
  • Theater consultations;
  • Second camp – forum theater and festival training;
  • Finalizing events – youth performances and round tables by location.

Expected results:

  • Awareness and publicity about the Program and the project;
  • Acquisition of new knowledge and skills by the participants;
  • Trained 80 young people and 16 youth workers, created 8 FT performance and 8 round tables.

Community impact:

  • Reduction of risky behavior among young people;
  • Wider support of youth performances by the municipal government;
  • An increase in the number of people willing to join the new venture.

"In defense of our rights"

Moments from the first camp 23-27 July 2023. city. Chepelare

Local premiers

Forum theatrical premieres in October

Local premiere in. Bistrica commune. Dupnitsa

It's time the youth from from. Bistrica to present their forum-theatre performance to a local audience. “Vasko Vashka” is a youth case study about school violence and hatred towards others. A young boy is systematically bullied by his classmates because of his social status. What's going on with Vasco and how far the situation will escalate – come and look at 07 October 2023. in НЧ “Light-1927” from 17:00 o'clock. Immediately after the performance will take place round table for representatives of the municipal administration, MKBPPMN, Youth Parliament, parents, psychologists, inspectors children's pedagogical room, journalists, etc. interested persons, in which the participants and leading experts will present impressions and facts from the joint work on the project.

Admission is free

Local premiere in. Sliven

“Alicia in the land of substances” more provocative, easy-to-understand and interactive way illustrates the harm of the use of narcotic substances among adolescents. The end of the play, as a rule in the forum-theatre, is detrimental to some of the characters. However, can what is happening like this be changed?, that the end is positive? That depends solely on you, the audience, which should provide the solution to the problem at hand. Each of you can join in and try to arrange the rebus in a way, to save But you areher from the misfortunes that befell her.
Welcome, we are expecting you!🎭
When: 12.10.2023 r. 15:00 h.;
Where: Hall “Sliven”;
Login: Free.

Local premiere in. ruse

Urban Trap

13.10.2023r. 17:00 Income building hall “Slavi Shkarov”

This is the story of Dawn – a teenage girl, came from the small village to the big city. Looking for new friendships, eager to fit into the new environment, she gets into risky situations. Will he find happiness?, what he is looking for, or the noisy stray city will swallow another innocent human soul?
On 13.10.2023r. in chamber hall of The income building in the city.ruse the audience at the forum the performance of the students from "Friedrich Schiller" SOUP learn the end of this story. Carried out jointly with Flower Theater, the play "City Trap" was the final stage of a project "New Attitude", realized with the financing of Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The actors from the theater troupe to Motherfucker with an artistic director Krastina Ivanova took up this challenge back in the summer, when they participated in 2 training camps in.Chepelare together with students from 7 the city in Bulgaria.
The theme of the play was tied to a very painful topic in our society - the topic of drug addiction and aggression among young people.
Putting this problem on stage, the actors made the audience think about the ways of his decision and form an active civic position.
Official guests at our performance were: mr Dimitar Nedev – Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Ruse, dr Rositsa Georgieva - head of the RUO – Ruse, mrs Iskra Ivanova - director of SOUP Friedrich Schiller, mrs Tatyana Kyuranova - Secretary of the Commission for Combating Antisocial Events - city.ruse, mrs Tanya Todorova - Head of Department Education, sports and youth activities' - Municipality of Rousse, mrs Teodora Trayanova - Municipal Youth Center - Ruse, mrs Hristina Tihova – a psychologist in Preventivo- the information center on narcotic substances - the city of Ruse, mrs Lydia Yankova - chairman of the public council of SOUP Friedrich Schiller, mrs Julieta Ivanova – pedagogical advisor. The event was also visited by a representative of Ministry of Youth and Sports, who appreciated the work of our students on the project.
The Forum theater performance lasted more than an hour and a half and gave all its participants a lot of positive emotions, but also prompted us to think about looking for alternative solutions to the problems in Bulgarian society with a new attitude. The representatives of the various institutions in the city of Ruse promised the participants to provide them with other scenes, to continue with their work – to encourage their peers to look for solutions to problems together, which they face on a daily basis, and continue to be conscious initiators of positive social changes.
Dare, young people!

Local premiere in. Gotse Delchev


"The Price of Choice" is a story about that, how an innocent summer romance can turn into a terrifying disaster. One story, which can happen to any girl and which reminds us how important it is to make the right choices. Welcome, we are expecting you!🎭
When: 06.11.2023 r. 13:00h.
Where: Chitalishte “Enlightenment”
Login: Free.

Local premiere in. Kardzhali


Welcome, we are expecting you!🎭
When: 06.11.2023 r. 14:00h.
Where: ODC
Login: Free.
INHERITANCE SHADOWS is a forum theatrical performance on the subject: domestic violence
Where are you? when are you with? Go home now! How many times have I told you… I will kill you!
Have you heard such scandalous lines from beyond the walls of your homes? You don't care what goes on behind people's doors? You have your own problems. And maybe you too are a victim of domestic violence, but you didn't realize it or you suffer because of the children.
Violence is a disease, which amazes everyone. The responsibility for your happiness is a crushing burden on your children's shoulders. Kid, who is forced to live in an abusive home becomes either a victim or an abuser. There is no third option. Don't make violence the norm, if you don't want your children to inherit your shadows!

Interview for BNR-Kardzhali

Local premiere in. Zlatograd


Welcome, we are expecting you!🎭
When: 08.11.2023 r. 17:30h.
Where: EXCELLENT “enlightenment – 1908”
Login: Free.

Local premiere in. Chepelare

“You're just a woman”

Welcome, we are expecting you!🎭
When: 11.11.2023 r. 18:00 h.
Where: НЧ “Rhodope Iskra”
Login: Free.

Local premiere in. Yambol


How far our dreams stretch? What can we gain or lose by finding a way to have fun?? What are the stumbling blocks and are we listening to the people around us? This is the story of Ani and Days, two teenage girls, who live out their nightmare.
"wrong choice" is a forum-theatre performance on the topic of human rights.
welcome A large hall on Yambol municipality on 13.11.2023 from 13:30
Admission is free!!!

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