Feedback from a second youth…

Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity "

Feedback from a second youth camp “Joking Forum-Theater Performance ”

Analysis of the results of incoming and outgoing surveys of young people participating in the training "Joking Forum Theatrical Performance", conducted 26.06 - 01.07.2021 in Chepelare and 04.07-08.07.2021 in Plovdiv

Incoming polls

Outgoing surveys

  • Getting information about
    the degree of
    empathy, awareness and
    reactivity of the participants to
    violation of the rights of
  • Study their proactive
    readiness for personal and collective
    participation in the present and future
    activities in defense of the rights of
  • Getting information about
    preliminary expectations of
    the young people of the future
  • Get feedback from
    participants for the degree of satisfaction with their participation in
  • Get feedback
    on the degree of
    satisfaction with our joint
    work and results achieved

The participants, aged students
between 13 and 19 years of cities
Zlataritsa, Zlatograd, Plovdiv,
Sliven and Chepelare.
Number of completed questionnaires
map: 53 man

The young people - participants in the five
youth club
Number of completed questionnaires
map: 53 man


1. Floor:

  • Zlataritsa Group
  • Zlatograd Group
  • Plovdiv Group
  • Sliven Group
  • Chepelare Group
  • Chepelare fans

36 women and 17 men, which:

  • 8 women 2 men
  • 7 women 3 men
  • 5 women 2 men
  • 7 women 3 men
  • 4 women 6 men
  • 5 women 1 man

2. Age

  • 13annual – 1
  • 14annual – 13
  • 15annual – 12
  • 16annual – 16
  • 17annual – 9
  • 18annual – 1
  • 19annual – 1


  • 1 woman
  • 8 women 5 men
  • 10 women 2 men
  • 11 women 5 men
  • 5 women 4 men
  • 1 man
  • 1 woman

The poll is anonymous. It has a strong practical focus, related to the forthcoming last phase of youth training, on which the successful finalization of
project. Contains 10 the question, which are relevant to the topics and
research tasks – open and closed questions, dichotomous issues, multivariate questions. They are united in the following topics:

  1. Commitment to the topic of human rights and responsible participation in
    forthcoming public appearances in their defense;
  2. Sensitivity to situations of human rights violations and ability to respond adequately;
  3. Willingness to participate in upcoming public events;
  4. Expectations for the upcoming training;
  5. Feedback on the impact of the project on the young participants

The survey contains open and closed questions, dichotomous questions and multivariate questions.


When reviewing the completed questionnaires only at 3 from 53 respondents found negative answers to a question №1 whether the topics discussed during the process and the problem presented by the troupe concern many of the peers of the young actors. This shows the group connection of each of the young theater formations, commitment to working together and a united proactive position.

From the answers to a question №2 can be reported, that for 52.83% the problem presented on the stage by the participants was personally experienced, but barely 24.53% have shared this with their relatives or friends. Later, in the discussions during the premieres in Zlatograd and Chepelare it became clear what caused the discretion of these young people. Gossip in the small town restricts their right to free choice, hurts, even, in some cases, which they witnessed, leads to severe tragedy. Psychological stress, which the inhabitants of small settlements cause to each other and which they are forced to swallow, expels or invalids them. Concern, resentment and a strong desire not to live in such an environment make them accept themselves (we hope that this attitude will be sustainable) like the first white swallows, heralds of change there.

With the negative impact of the environment and established "patterns" of behavior, as well as the reluctance to be accepted by young people, the evasive / timid answers to a question are also explained. № 3 – “Would any of your friends laugh at you?, if you say your opinion openly“. All answers move between “Vprobably“, “I do not know” and “Perhaps“. There is no definite answer – “Not” or “Yes“.

For the purpose of the project - the participants in the clubs to be the bearers of the messages of the project – the answers to the questions are important №4 and №5. Everyone talked about the project and shared how it is developing with their friends or relatives. No one was left indifferent. 22.64% have told many friends, 15.09% have often talked about it with their loved ones.

In this incoming survey before Camp 2 an alarming fact was noticed – we wanted our young FT actors to have higher self-esteem, and it turns out, that almost a quarter of them do not believe in their own strength. Although, that they appreciate the effect of the approach on themselves (Question №8), are rather uncertain, that their forum theatrical performances will arouse interest in the problems raised among classmates and peers: 7.55% meet with “Not“, 18.87% – “Weak“; 16.98% – “To somewhere“; 39.62% – “To a large extent” and barely 16.98% – “Yes“. But it's good, that the project team found out about this fact before the last training and set itself the task of emphasizing overcoming it for the remaining 4 months until the end of the project – when working during Camp 2, at third supervisions and before prime ministers. Eventually, the preliminary skepticism of the participants regarding the effect of their work, turned out to be unjustified. Including because of their growing faith in their own skills, the performances of the local clubs aroused great interest and active discussions among the audience.

Question №7What would you like your participation in the post-premiere performances of the troupe to be? – Contractor? Leading? Organizer? Something else?” concerns the attitudes and readiness of young people to participate in upcoming public events. It is set in connection with the fact, that during the two supervisions the colleagues set different tasks for the participants – to perform different roles, to joke or organize the show. Thus, each of them had the chance to try the different tastes of the forum theater. Undoubtedly the most difficult and responsible task is The Joker. That's why we were surprised and fascinated, that despite the difficulty and responsibility of this task, goals 16.98% of the participants wished to take it.

The answers to the questions № 8, 9 and 10 provide feedback on the impact of the project on the young participants, which is especially important to get before the last training module, so that we can adjust / add / emphasize / upgrade while still possible.
Question №8Were the two supervisions of the experts from the team useful??
For you personally?

I became more determined.
I started to like myself.
I began to think more organized.
I have learned, that a goal can be achieved in many ways.
I had a sense of humor.
I was surprised, that I may not be late.
I received very valuable advice, which I needed.
I realized how stupid it is to draw preliminary conclusions.
There are people, to whom it is much harder than me, and do not complain.

For the group?

We learned not to overtake, to complement each other.
There were some, which used to annoy me, and now they are nice to me.
We found out, that we have many common problems.
We have a good time together.
We can't talk.
We don't bother to talk about our feelings.
No one is making fun of anyone.

About the show?

The show is getting better.
We do exercises and play games.
They make us think about our roles.
They show us when we fail.
We try different ways and choose the best.
They make me laugh and cry.
We look at the problem through the eyes of different characters.

Question №9Do you need additional preparation and help for your presentation?”

I can not decide.
To overcome my worries.
More joker exercises, which is difficult.
Interesting acting tasks.

Don't be ashamed.

Question №10What are your expectations for this training??

More joker exercises.
Interesting tasks for improvisation.
Happy moments.
Various conversations.
Discussion of next projects.
rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals…

The on-site analysis of this survey identified key tasks in conducting the final training – improving the acting skills of the participants, legal exercises, improvisation and joking, as well as communication with the audience. When achieving good results in these areas, we expect the confidence of the participants, as well as their confidence when they go on stage and stand in front of the audience, to rise.


92.45% from the answers to a question №1 whether the training was helpful, which the participants needed were positive: 15.09% – “Yes“, 77,36% – “More than likely“. When correlated with other issues it is seen, that this, what is lacking is insufficient time and delay due to pandemic measures, which makes us think, that the structure of the project activities is effective, but, when possible, it is good to allow more time for supervision.
98.11% from the answers to a question №2 whether the involvement of all participants was encouraged, are positive. Only one participant answered in the negative, who unfortunately did not explain the reason for his disappointment.

The answers to the questions are similar №3 and №4 whether the trainers took into account the individual pace of work of the participants and whether each of them managed to make their suggestions during the rehearsals. Positive answers to a question №3 are 86.79%, and on №460.38%

Answer the question №5 are particularly important for reporting project results. They concern the self-assessment of the young people involved in the project about the results, achieved in their personal development. 33.96% of the participants report improved communication skills, 58.49% report a change of opinion on many issues as a result of the opportunity to discuss issues of concern to them; their and their friends' attempts to solve them; hearing different opinions, related to rights and obligations; the emotional experience of the results achieved. However, there is an alarming percentage of young people in this matter, who can NOT judge what happened and 22.64% have retained their old attitudes and beliefs, ie. do not believe, that something can change. Which makes us think, that working with young people in junior high and high school on issues, related to human rights violations, by restriction, violence, indifference, etc., it should not be from time to time. Different forms must be sought and found, through which to communicate with them (especially in small settlements), in order to avoid despair and apathy, closing in on yourself, lack of faith, that their opinion is not respected and their civic activity is meaningless. It would be even better, if such informal forms of communication are sought at an even earlier age.

In subpoint “Something else” the following shares were made:

Now I am more inclined to seek help, when I have a problem.
I prepare my lessons faster.
I do not know why, but they started inviting me to more parties.
Mom said, that I suddenly grew up.
I don't explode often anymore, I became more patient.
I fixed my relationship with my brother.

79.25% participants have a positive attitude towards their involvement in future human rights campaigns. Five participants set the condition that the campaigns be organized by a theater “Tsvete” (The latter is an emotional opinion, but - Thank you!). At the place for sharing we received 45 thanks and 8 congratulations on a great job. 12 young people share how much they will miss communicating with us, but 5 offer us to write a new project to work with them.
The young people involved in this project were interviewed before and after the planned human rights trainings.. The uncertainty reported at the beginning of the project for decision-making in the event of a problematic situation has been largely overcome..
Young people are ready to seek a solution together with their peers or seek help, if they fail to cope. The participants themselves positively evaluate the self-confidence and communication skills acquired in the process, assess the changes achieved in their worldview and the acquired sensitivity to the protection of human rights, readiness and ability to assist in their protection.
The team considers the implementation of the project successful, despite difficult and unpredictable situations, which many participants repeatedly had to face. We are grateful to the school management, of fellow educators, to the volunteers and to the young people themselves for their dedicated work. We are also grateful to the municipalities in Zlataritsa, Zlatograd and Chepelare for cooperation, as well as on Operator for timely assistance in project management.

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