“The eye of the artist, the soul of a poet” is the new interactive show, which Theatre Tsvete implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, won through a competition.
It is built on four short stories by Elin Pelin, included in the curriculum in literature. It is designed to increase students' interest in the writer's work, as well as help those, who are about to graduate.
The show is built on a modular principle, as between the stories the actors enter into a discussion with the audience, helping with their questions to make sense of the author's message and means, through which he achieved this suggestion.
The performance is part of the realization of a project THEATER OF KNOWLEDGE, financed by National Culture Fund. Thanks to the support won through the competition , the actors from Theatre Tsvete will perform two performances a month until the end of 2021 year
Screenplay and direction
Tsvete Yaneva
Silvia Stoyanova
Picture decor
Petya Georgieva
Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova, Ekaterina Kazakova, Ralitsa Stoyanova, Georgi Mavrov, Martin Noev and Mikhail Petrov
Lighting and sound
Larry Ask
70 minutes
Appropriate for