Theater “Tsvete” starts the implementation of a project “Fabulous break” in 6 educational institutions from 5 metropolitan area. It is part of the initiatives, planned to be realized in the big one-year project of the association “Theater of Knowledge ’2022”, financed by National Fund “Culture”. The initiative is also supported by the Sofia Program “Social innovation”.
The actors will turn into an interesting and useful fairy tale spring break for children aged 10 to 14 years from the area Swelling, Slatina, Kremikovtzi, Novi Iskar and Youth. The participants will prepare performances based on literature material studied by them, which will be filmed. Each of the participating schools will receive six different videos, with which to diversify the learning process. The training will favor the mastery of the Bulgarian language, communication skills and teamwork skills of the participants, will increase their self-confidence and win the interest and sympathy of their peers and environment.