The PLAY YOUR STORY project offers testing of the idea of building a proactive civil society by involving viewers of different ages and social status in search of strategies for solving shared real youth problems. The project provides for periodic online presentation of 6 forum theatrical performances, 4 of which conflict situations shared by young viewers will be created. The initiative will draw public attention to the priority need to urgently address issues of concern to young people, while at the same time providing non-formal civic education for young people between 12 and 18 years of tolerance, cooperation and mutual assistance in resolving problematic situations concerning them.
The first two performances are from the repertoire of the Flower Theater. They have the task to present to the audience what a forum theater is.
28.02.2021r. "YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!“ Like any teenager, Boryana strives to enter life as soon as possible, to notice what he is like outside the covers of the book. Like most caring mothers, and hers is afraid, that the child is not yet ready for it.