Presentation of the project to the media…

Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity "

Presentation of the project to the media and the public through FT performances of "Theatre Tsvete", interactive discussions and selection of participants from five settlements.

Finally, the long-awaited tour begins! We are already on our way!

During the visits to get acquainted with the project, Flower Theater presented three different FT performances. Young people from 8 schools, teachers, parents and the media. Despite the anti-epidemic measures around 200 children and young people participated in the interactive part of the performances and it was not difficult to choose 50-60 participant, to form the basis of future school clubs "My opinion matters". The accumulated impressions and the analysis of what was shared in the discussions gave us the opportunity to develop current preliminary scenarios for each city., related to human rights.

The events were covered in local electronic media, TV BG OnAir , social AGAINST ADDICTIONS - AN ALTERNATIVE TO OFFICIAL STEREOTYPES, 13 October 2020, (
FEEDBACK FOR THE TRAINING CAMP - Humanities High School – Sliven
TV On Air - report on the visit to Zlataritsa
Information agency Times.BG - publication about the information meeting and the performance in Zlataritsaупражнявай-правата-си-със-знания-и-тво
School TV Botev TV - presentation of the project and performance in Dolni Tsibar.

12-13 October, 2020r. - Sliven:

14-15 October, 2020r. - town of Zlataritsa

18-19 October, 2020r. - The village of Dolni Tsibar

25 October, 2020r. - city. Chepelare

26 October, 2020r. - city. Plovdiv

After the restrictive measures in the spring prevented us from conducting the planned tour of the cities and to study the level of awareness of the young participants in human rights, their attitude to teamwork and problems, which excite them the most, we conducted a survey through Google forms, which was filled by young people from all over the country aged from 13 to 17 years. Their answers helped us choose the topics(selfishness, lack of morality, indifference, violence, dependencies), on which we developed preliminary work scenarios. At our first working meeting with the young participants in the project in October 2020. in conversations with them another painful topic was diagnosed - discrimination.

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