A soap tale – puppet theatre

A soap tale
Hello, parents!
Theatre “Tsvete” invites you to a health education puppet show, which shows the kids what's going on, when eating unclean food or unwashed hands!
Admission is free, and in the end everyone will be able to leave in the hat in front of the stage so much, as much as he deems and can 🙂
Here is a brief summary of what the show will be about:
Large lizards have long since disappeared from Earth. But in our story, children will help raise and educate a newly hatched dinosaur., who knows nothing about our world.
The first hygienic habits, which children must acquire, will be practiced and reinforced in the role-playing games offered to them in the performance. And their knowledge of diseases, which await those, who do not like purity, will be enriched by the forest computer. On its screen, young viewers see these, which cause the disease of the immortal Dino.
The story builds children's respect for hygiene.
The performance takes place within a project “THEATER OF KNOWLEDGE”, financed by National Fund “Culture”
  • Screenplay and direction

    Tsvete Yaneva

  • Scenography

    Jeni Lacheva

  • Music

    Nadezhda Yotsova

  • Participate

    Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova and Georgi Mavrov

  • Duration

    40 minutes

  • Appropriate for

    the smallest

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