“We will be together soon”

"Скоро ще бъден заедно"
Dear friends,
Because of Covid-19, we all need to stay home.
But each of us has a different home.
Some have internet at home.
Others are left without school and friends.
There are big differences.
And everyone realizes how difficult it is to be isolated.
And everyone dreams of meeting a friend live!
From today, we organize a campaign for children – “We will be together soon”. With text, drawing, photo or video, children can share what they would do, when they see live friends again.
We collect ideas for the event with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/258505175274688/
It will be great, if you broadcast the video to the children and support them in finding and sharing their answer!
We will be soon TOGETHER!
And what will be the first thing, which we will do then?
Describe your dream of meeting your friends live!
Describe it! Draw it! Shoot your idea! Create a video!
No one should feel Isolated now!
We will be together soon!
Benoit and Veronica
ATD Fourth World For the South-East European Countries
Benoit Reboul-Salze
+359 876 718 983
Veronique Reboul-Salze
+359 878 189 254
Sofia - Bulgaria

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