This is a project for the one - year activity of Theatre “Tsvete” through 2022 year, financially supported by National Fund “Culture”
Theatre “Tsvete” works in the field of applied theater. Our performances are interactive and in them we train the viewers of knowledge by making and experiencing, which we want to pass on to them.
If they are people with disabilities, the tasks we set for them are aimed at increasing their ability to cope with real life on their own, as well as to increase their communication with the general public.
When working with minority ethnic groups, the theater is the event, which gives their representatives a chance to be recognized and accepted.
Most of our activity is focused on students – from preschool to the end of high school. They are included in our repertoire puppets, theatrical forum and interactive educational performances with different thematic focus – health, environmental, aimed at preventing violence, dependencies, mistakes in personal relationships, assistance in the assimilation of the studied material.
Another important part of our activity is the creation of training programs and conducting trainings for trainers-teachers and young volunteers., trainers of their peers.