Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity "
A banal story, presented in an attractive way: A naive girl falls into the nets of drug dealers, due to which he loses his dreams, and you are alive. This, but not only that, showed theater "Flower", which of 13 October guest at the Profiled Humanitarian High School "Damyan Damyanov" in Sliven.
The hall of The military club was as lively as ever from "Color shadows", representation, in which theatrical play actually turned out to be informal health education for young spectators, aimed at preventing drug use and the associated risk of HIV infection. aimed at preventing drug use and the associated risk of HIV infection "Flower" presented his previous activity and the project, in which the theatrical troupe of the high school is included. The young theatrical humanists had their first rehearsal together with the theater team "Flower". "Flower" is a non-governmental organization, in which there are professional actors, directors, psychologists and volunteers. Already 27 years they apply in their work innovative interactive theatrical techniques for Bulgaria, which help children and young people to get to know and accept themselves and others, provoke their personal development and encourage their positive inclusion in public life. Forum-staging of "Color shadows" was a theatrical play, in which the problem of "stocking" with drugs was shown in an unresolved form. The students in the hall, who imperceptibly became participants in the performance, were invited to play their decisions, explaining to everyone their choice of alternative in a difficult life situation. It turned out, that the forum-theater gives the audience the incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in times of crisis. Not everyone had time to show their choice of alternative behavior to the temptations of drugs. The theater troupe Flying Attempt of the Humanities High School is included in the project of the organization "Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity", which is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of EIP. The main goal of this project, in which four more schools from different regions of the country participate, is the development and implementation of educational tools for human rights education. A period of joint work of the troupe of UGS "Damyan Damyanov" with theater actors "Flower" Tanya Yorgova and Yavor Kostov, which includes two creative camps in Chepelare.

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