European Youth Foundation

2000 - "Let's lend a hand in the games!“

Training of Balkan pedagogues and social workers for application of interactive art techniques in their work.

The project was initiated by a foundation "Concepts - Bulgaria" and realized with the support of European Youth Foundation to Council of Europe - Strasbourg


Golden Sands.


19-26 June, 2000 r.


Training of pedagogues, social workers, actors and youth leaders from regions with mixed ethnic population in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania

Applying drama- and theater- techniques in teaching adolescents tolerance


Basic modules in the training program:

  1. Seminar of like-minded teachers from different Balkan republics. Analysis of country-specific problems in the lives of adolescents. Discussion-summary of the problems of the Balkan youth.
  2. Training in the use of theater and drama - methods in the education of children in the spirit of tolerance work with children. To learn to enable the natural friendship between children, emerging in games to overcome ethnic hatred by forming groups of adolescents (at the age of 9-14) in places with ethnic tensions. Practical application of the acquired skills when working with a group of children under the guidance of our specialists and trained pedagogues. Apply problem solving methods (exchange of experience).

Practical work with children

  • Good morning, The sun! - Sports games and dances;
  • Let's lend a hand in games! - Art activities of children's choice in acting modules, music, dance and applied arts under the guidance of pedagogues. Cooperation between the different groups for a theatrical performance
  • A look at Bulgaria - walks and excursions
  • Our common home - Let's make things even more cozy and cook dinner together
  • Starry evenings - dinners for contacts, competitions, new friendships, sketches, and discussions of positive behavior, representation, and discos. Build fresh self-confidence, respect, tolerance and trust among adolescents.

"Да подадем ръце в игрите" "Да подадем ръце в игрите" "Да подадем ръце в игрите" "Да подадем ръце в игрите" "Да подадем ръце в игрите"



With the support of European Youth Foundation to Council of Europe, Strasbourg


Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania



September - November, 2000



Practical continuation of the training from Golden Sands.

Discussion of future joint activities with local organizations on the problems of adolescents.

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