NGO Flower Theater

Theatre Tsvete,
zh.k.. Mladost 1, bl.15, вх.Б, apt. 41
City. Sofia
Postal code. 1750
tel / fax: 02/884 54 71
mob: 0898 644 971 - Violina Markova
mob: 0886 319 605 - Tsvete Yaneva
Training of Balkan pedagogues and social workers for application of interactive art techniques in their work.
The project was initiated by a foundation "Concepts - Bulgaria" and realized with the support of European Youth Foundation to Council of Europe - Strasbourg
Golden Sands.
19-26 June, 2000 r.
Training of pedagogues, social workers, actors and youth leaders from regions with mixed ethnic population in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania
Applying drama- and theater- techniques in teaching adolescents tolerance
Basic modules in the training program:
Practical work with children
With the support of European Youth Foundation to Council of Europe, Strasbourg
Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania
September - November, 2000
Practical continuation of the training from Golden Sands.
Discussion of future joint activities with local organizations on the problems of adolescents.