2013 - An interactive puppet-dramatic performance

Creating an interactive puppet-dramatic show for education of non-violence and tolerance

With the support of the Sofia Program "Culture"

Violence at school is already so common, that children get used to it, they begin not to notice it. Victims alone cannot get used to it; usually these, which attract attention with their diversity..

School education is long outdated - didactic and does not engage children's emotions and creativity. Incomparably more boring than electronic games and action, full of violence. The search for and application of effective methods for reducing aggression among adolescents does not seem to concern anyone - not even the parents of the students., nor to modern teachers.

And as a result of this carelessness, society is shocked by the acts of cruelty, starting at an earlier age, instead of making an effort to find effective methods for educating humanity and tolerance in children.


At the first session of the Sofia Program "Culture" for 2013 year. to support the creation of cultural events, supporting the candidacy of Sofia and the South-West region for European Capital of Culture - 2019, received co-financing for the project “Creating an interactive puppet-dramatic show for education of non-violence and tolerance” on Flower Theater.

Thanks to the help received, as well as the volunteer work of the Flower Theater team and friends, the puppet show was created The Flying Knight. It presents the story of one 8 a one-year-old boy with an unusually wild imagination. The boy does not require the attention of parents and teachers, because it does not cause them problems. He remains unaccepted by his classmates because of his different behavior. Everyday events in school life have other dimensions for him. At the end of the performance, the spectators have the opportunity to join it and seek a solution to the presented problems. This is the so-called. forum theater.


Forum-theater gives viewers an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in possible problematic life situations. The presenter invites the viewers to try to cause a positive change in the situation of the victim by entering his role at a time chosen by them and change his behavior in a more appropriate way., they think, way. This interactive theatrical form turns out to be not only highly rational, but also the emotional impact on the participating spectators. It was created by the Brazilian director Augusto Boal and is used worldwide as an effective tool for civic education. Forum theater is an innovative form of modern non-formal education for our country through applied theater. We believe, that our show worthily supports the candidacy of Sofia and the Southwest region for European Capital of Culture 2019.


What is happening on the stage is familiar to the audience. Such ridicule… But did our viewers wonder if everyone laughed? We exacerbate the sensitivity of children from primary school to violence, we teach them to recognize it in its various forms and to defend each other.

And when they can't - don't be ashamed to seek help.

But do they gain security for adult support?

If your children are not inclined to share, they are silent and tolerate violence, the abuser believes, that he is invincible and repeats, and triples… Infects others after itself. And if the violence is answered with violence, this creates a wave of aggression. A vicious circle ensues, from which it is very difficult to get out.

With this show we want to provoke children, parents and teachers to understand the personal responsibility of each one to this huge problem - school violence. Depending on the prevailing audience, it provides forum material from each of these groups.

Director Screenplay and direction: Tsvete Yaneva
Scenography and dolls: Christina Nedeva - The Shrub
Music: Vlada Yaneva
 Participate Participate: Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova,Dana Andonova, Ekaterina Kazakova, Yanko Velkov - Lamb

and 7-year-old Ivan Mutafchiiski



The show was realized with co-financing from
Metropolitan program "Culture" in support of the candidacy of
Sofia and the South-West Region European Capital of Culture - 2019 r.

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