2013-2014 - Partner in the project "Educational integration of children and students from ethnic minorities"

at the SOU "V. Vodenicharski" - from. Hayredin, reg. Vratsa Project of Ministry of Education

After the scene, the mayor threatened to fire a teacher, and the driver is still scared, that after he fired the headmistress, will fire four more teachers… The title scene "BULGARIAN PARTICIPATION" was presented at the meeting of teachers-parents in connection with the final activities of the project. The same project, on which close 100 children were free at sea last summer. The same project, on which many children went for free on 4 excursions. The same project, who raised the children's knowledge and taught them art. The scene was invented and played by the students participating in the student theater forum, led by professional artists from Sofia. Did the students guess what would happen after the scene, they named it "Bulgarian Destiny"?! After the scene, the director asks the mayor how the transportation of the parents will be organized the next day for the final conference of the project.. The answer was: to turn to the driver from the scene. So the next day, when there was a much richer program, the parents from the villages could not attend. In this answer the children , parents and artists from Sofia were amazed… What to do - Bulgarian fate ! We apologize for the poor quality of the recording.

Of “We learn together, we create together, together we travel to the Motherland” – Activity 6 – Student Forum Theater

Student Forum Theater. The intellectual and emotional engagement of young people with important social problems, provoking them to discuss and try possible solutions through the techniques of forum theater

  • A group of 16 children from 5-you to 12 class.
  • The children's meetings with the expert actors from the partner Flower Theater will be conducted in accordance with the prepared curriculum (once a month) within 3 days after 4 o'clock . Classes will also be held during the summer vacation.

Additional qualification of pedagogical specialists, related to methods of education and training in a multicultural environment - training in the application of art methods in pedagogical work. - training of two teachers

  • We plan and "green School" for the participants in the student forum theater for 5 days from 18 participants. They will be prepared:
  • 2 the show
  • Two teachers
  • The implementation of the activity is jointly with a partner 2- Association "Theatre Tsvete"

On 5, 6 and 7 In July, student classes took place forum theater

The activities of the student theater forum begin with The Rules

Today everyone made a doll, which shows his individuality. Role games. Drawings with closed eyes. Presentation of the cooking talk show. Teamwork. A modern interpretation of the tale "The three Little Pigs".


For student activities Forum Theater in m. August 2013 r.

07.08.2013r. 1. Barometer- the barometer readings showed a low level of mood and this led us to do some warm-up exercises. 2.Warm-up- exercise to raise the tone. Everyone stood in a circle and one of all participants showed random exercise to warm up, and the others repeat. There are several participants, which show different exercises. After warming up, we moved on to the next task. Games of trust and teamwork 3. Billiard balls. Although the participants have played this game before, they liked it very much and wanted to practice it again. As a result, we realized that the relationships in the group had grown to a higher level, that between the participants was built gradually on- strong connection, a sense of responsibility between them and teamwork. In this game, they were much more confident than before and could trust each other much more easily. 4. Playing with chickens and a hunter One of the participants is a hunter and has to catch a chicken, and all the others are chickens. The condition is that everyone has their eyes closed. If there is a caught chicken, another chicken can save him by going under his feet, while the caught chicken stands still and signals that it has been caught with some sound, without speaking. This game is very suitable for team development, many of the participants were caught, but many of the other uncaught participants saved their teammates. After the game we discussed the game and some of the participants shared their opinion, that very often they saved, and others were often caught. After our questions whether they remember an identical situation in life, all participants expressed their opinion that they found themselves in various situations that made them feel like chickens and hunters. Of course, their examples were related to their daily life at school and family and their personal life experience.. After this game we continued, by reminding the participants again of the rules of stage play, the expression of feelings and emotions about the different roles in the fairy tales in which the participants play. We analyzed what has been achieved so far and what needs to change, work out and improve. We discussed with the participants, who were the audience of the fairy tale "Cinderella", what are the remarks and what are the good achievements of their teammates. As bystanders, they expressed an opinion, that the rules for working on stage are observed, but the expression of emotions in role-playing needs to be improved. We had the same discussion with the audience of the fairy tale "Snow White", they also expressed their views as bystanders, that there are scenes, in which the comic must be amplified,and in other scenes the rules of stage play are not observed. The participants were critical but also condescending to each other because they understand the seriousness and responsibility of their work and that it is not easy to be an actor and play a role with the appropriate lines., feelings and emotions, meanwhile to follow the rules of stage play, to know exactly when, from where and how to get in and out of the stage, to comply with the relocation of the sets, and with the change of scenes, the moods of the actors in the fairy tales change. 5. Presentation of fairy tales. First, the participants presented the story "Cinderella". Participating in it - Tanya in the lead role, Patricia in the role of the evil aunt; Stanimir, in the role of uncle; Velislava and Godiera in the role of the evil sisters; Stilian, in the role of Tanya's friend. The participants had learned their lines well, but some of them had difficulty playing scenes from the tale, which are associated with deeper emotions and feelings. Tanya did a great job, bearing in mind, that she had difficulty communicating with others and could not relax and trust her teammates. This role helped her to overcome these obstacles in her relationships with others, and showed that by taking responsibility to fulfill this role, you have to play your heroine as best you can and work with your team. Except that she did a great job, she found new friends to relax with, to share and have fun with. Patricia, in the role of the evil aunt, there were no remarks in the play of his heroine. He was doing superbly, he managed to capture all the nuances of his character's character. He also did well on stage rules, moving the sets and changing the scenes. Stanimir, in the role of uncle, encountered some concerns about the expression of emotions and feelings towards his wife in the play and his niece. He had learned his lines very well, but he did not strictly follow the rules of stage play. Velislava and Godiera did very well with their roles and remarks. They followed the rules of stage work and played the emotions of their characters well. After the rehearsal is over, we had a discussion with the participants in the story, achievements and unfulfilled goals. Rest The rehearsal of the next play has begun- "Snow White". The participants in it are: Vanessa, in the role of a mother of many children; Ralitsa- spoiled daughter at puberty; Galya- the smart and ambitious child; Christina- the good daughter; Nevelin- the future crazy husband; Stilian- the future husband major; Svetoslav- the future rich husband; Day- the evil social worker; Eva- the bank employee. Vanessa did very well in this role, because the character of the heroine was very close to hers. Ralitsa, Galya and Christina also did very well with their roles, strictly followed the rules of stage work, had learned their lines very well but had difficulty expressing the feelings and emotions of their characters. Nevelin was also very good at the role, he had trouble speaking loud and clear. Denitsa and Eva also did well, Denitsa in her role as a social worker, he fully entered into his role and played his character emotionally. Eva did well too. After the rehearsal, we discussed the progress and what exactly needs to be improved for the next rehearsal. The result of this fruitful day was, that the participants in both plays showed a high sense of responsibility for their roles and their team. They didn't feel awkward about it, that not only achievements are highlighted, but also the shortcomings of their game. They tried to be good at their performance on stage and listen to the advice of the audience, to your team and to us leaders. They were self-critical. That day ended with a barometer 6. Barometer- the participants showed a high mood from what was achieved during today's activities. 15.08.2013r. 1. Barometer - the mood was high and the participants were looking forward to starting the rehearsal of their stories. 2. Warm-up- we did some exercise to lift the tone. 3. Rehearsal of the plays We started first with a rehearsal of the play "Snow White". We set the sets, the participants orientated themselves much faster in the setting of the stage, they knew the scenes after which, when to enter and leave the stage. Except they knew their lines by heart, they had also begun to play their roles with the feelings of their characters, much better than the previous lesson. The audience from the other participants and we the leaders, we were delighted with their achievements. After the play we had a discussion, praising the great achievements of the participants. Holiday 4. Rehearsal of "Cinderella" The participants set their sets, they arranged the stage and began the play. They also did much better than the previous lesson. These participants ,who had to improve their game, they had tried and shown high results- they managed to capture and play the feelings of their characters in each scene. After the play, we discussed the achievements of the participants in the story. We highlighted the achievements, the positive change in their play on stage and of course what they need to change and improve for the next rehearsal. 5.Our class for the day ended again with a barometer,which showed that the participants were satisfied with what had been achieved.

21.08.2013r. 1. Barometer. Each of our activities starts with a barometer so that it can guide us what is the level of activity in the group and how to continue our work plan.. The barometer showed a low level of activity, therefore, we continued with moving exercises. 2. Exercise. Exercise for 15 min. They helped the group concentrate and move. 3.Touch three objects in the room. This game is again for warm-up but also for speed. The facilitator says to touch three objects in the room, which are located in different places , for time — until he counts to three. This game raised the mood in the group. 4. Locksmith. Speed ​​game, resourcefulness, teamwork. One is a locksmith, standing with his back to the whole group. He has the right to say stop- and with this instruction everyone should freeze, he turns and if one of the participants moves he returns to the starting position. Participants must take the key and take it to the starting position without the locksmith seeing them. If that happens, they return the key. With this game, the group was ready for work. 5.Rehearsal of the fairy tale "Cinderella" The participants in this fairy tale played their roles with their feelings and emotions, followed the rules of stage play, they performed very well. 6. Rehearsal of "Snow White" And in this play the participants performed at a very good level. After both plays were presented, we had a discussion, as an open-air play was to take place in front of an audience in the village of Lozenets (Green School). We talked and discussed what concerns participants may have from presenting to a large audience. We discussed their future performance and what problems and concerns would arise. 7. Packing of the sets for their transportation to the village of Lozenets.

26.08.2013Green school Our work started at 16.00 after we arrived in the village of Lozenets. 1. Presentation of fairy tales. We set the sets on the open stage and prepared for the presentation of the stories to the audience. The first presentation was on the modern interpretation of the fairy tale "Cinderella"., and then the next fairy tale "Snow White". The participants had some concerns at first, but then they relaxed and played their roles as in the last rehearsals. They did very well and the audience was pleased with their performance. The trainers Violina Vasileva and Ekaterina Kazakova shared the leaders in front of the children and in front of us, that we have all done a great job. They were extremely impressed by the high level of stage play by the participants, the learned lines and the script of the tales. They shared that the fairy tales will be the basis for the creation of the student theater forum.

27-30.08.2013r. Green School 1. Creating scripts for the student forum theater from the fairy tale "Cinderella", as it concerns problems related to the life experience of school-age children and their relationships between them. The skeleton of the script was drawn up, scenes were added to it and new characters and roles were created. 2. Acting tasks and group sketches. Roles were given to all participants. They then had to play separate group scenes from the script.,using their own words and their own emotions. This created a real script for the play, in which the remarks came from the participants themselves, with their characters and relationships. The participants performed new group sketches and scenes from the play. During their performance, the participants had to understand, what is a group game, background on the stage and at the same time the audience to hear every line and see every role played with its emotions and feelings. As before, participants now had to follow the rules of stage play, when and how to enter the stage, to grab the audience's attention, to speak clearly and loudly, to be able to express feelings and emotions, to monitor the change of scenes and sets, to memorize their lines. 3.Rehearsals of the new play for the open-air forum theater. The participants performed the new play. Prepared by: Tsvetelina Hristova Mladenka Petrova


The activity of the student continues Forum theatre during the school year. The first performance in front of an audience is being prepared. Classes during the week are on Wednesdays and Thursdays for two hours under the guidance of teachers - Tsvetelina Hristova and Mladenka Petrova . In m. October(18,19 and 20.10) them. November (8,9 and 10.11) there were three-day rehearsals with the participation of teachers - Tsvetelina Hristova and Mladenka Petrova artists Ekaterina Kazakova and Violina Vasileva – Александрова.


Our friends from Flower Theater they had a jubilee - twenty years since its creation. We wish the whole team a lot of health and creative success!

"Student Forum Theater" in m. December 2013

They are conducted 12 hours with the participants in the activity. Svetlin Spasov Nikolov from 11 class. Krassimir Tikhomirov Trifonov is leaving - a participant, due to transfer to another school. Rehearsals were made with the participants in activity №6 of the play "Contemporary Interpretation of Cinderella" according to the prepared script. The participants did very well,they played the scenes much more confidently and were preparing for the premiere of the play in front of a wide audience. For m. January there are no changes in the target and non-target group. They were conducted in total 28 hours with the participants in the activity. Rehearsals were held on "Modern interpretation of the cinderella" 12 o'clock-08.01-22.01.2014 d. The students worked on creating comic sketches, using real events from their lives as a source of ideas. The trainers-teachers used the acting techniques and methods learned so far. They connected the individual comic sketches in a comic performance. A script was prepared by the participants in the activity. The children were enthusiastic about their newly created show. They worked vigorously and diligently on their new project.


For the month of February there are no changes in the target and non-target group of students in the activity . They are conducted 24 school hours with the participants in the Student Forum Theater. Rehearsals were made with the participants in activity №6 students took an active part in the show "Bulgarian destiny" according to the prepared scenario. worked hard and energetically on their new project. The participants did very well,they played the scenes much more confidently and were preparing for the premiere of the play in front of a wide audience. They are conducted 16 hours with the participants in the activity. There are no left and new participants in the activity for this period. Rehearsals were made with the participants in activity №6 of the play "Contemporary Interpretation of Cinderella" according to the prepared script, as well as rehearsals of the play "Bulgarian Fate". The participants did very well,they played the scenes much more confidently and were preparing for the premiere of the plays in front of an audience. They are conducted 24 hours with the participants in the activity. There are no left and new participants in the activity for this period. There are no absent participants during the classes. Rehearsals were made with the participants in activity №6 of the play "Contemporary Interpretation of Cinderella" and "Bulgarian Fate" according to the prepared script. The participants did very well and are fully prepared for the premiere of the plays. On 7 and 8 April was the final part of the project "Learning together, we create together, we travel together in the Homeland ”. The participants in the activity 6 - "Student Forum Theater" presented their performances to an audience. On 7 April were invited the mayor of the village. Hayredin, parents of students, their teachers and classmates as well as the whole public at the forum-theatrical performance "Bulgarian Fate". It was created entirely on the idea of ​​the students from Vasil Vodenicharski High School , who wanted to show the problems, which they have in their daily commute to school. They presented the image of a driver, which crashes on broken roads in the region. The nurse also played, who is not at all interested in their pain, and only complains, that she was disturbed by them. They represented the Roma community, which only requires a tolerant attitude, but does not offer one. Through the performance, the young people made a mirror of society, which surrounds them with an appeal to them to shake off the complex of complaining and inactive people, which are justified only by the Bulgarian fate. The performance was extremely enthusiastic for the parents and they took an active part in the forum as they said, that it is high time to join forces and make some changes, rather than being silent and afraid of losing their jobs. When asked by the presenter what can be done, they replied, that these people in the scene are not doing their job well because they are not well paid, but with this unemployment in the region, there will certainly be staff, who will work responsibly for that money as well. You just have to fire some and hire quality people. These people expressed their opinion perhaps for the first time so openly to the mayor of the village. And perhaps for the first time he could hear them speak so frankly. They spoke especially passionately about healthcare, because only about a month ago tuberculosis had flared up in the village and this topic was very painful for them. After the show, when the school principal addressed the mayor with the question how the transport will be organized for the children and their parents for the next final day of the project, he told her to turn to the driver, a child from the play, he walked angrily to the exit, threatening to fire the teacher, who worked with the children and studied in a forum theater, so that he can continue working with them after the project. All this happened in front of dumb parents, teachers and children. So after the show there were two offended: the mayor of the village and one of the five drivers, who, without knowing how, without even watching the performance, recognized himself in the play. The purpose of the forum theater is to give publicity to the problems and initiative of the people to offer options for their solution.. This is what Augusto Boal did (the creator of the forum theater) and it is no coincidence that he was not loved by the authorities, on the contrary, he was persecuted by her. In that sense, this show did a good job. I hope the proverb no longer reigns in the village: The dogs bark their caravan. On 8 April, when we had to use the community center for the final concert - we could not enter, because the electricity was not repaired ( assuring us, that the municipality has called in technicians and has done its job). When they found out, that we are determined to play the second forum performance "Modern version of Cinderella" in front of the school, the current is fine. TV came, but the mayor no longer came, as well as the parents of the children from the neighboring villages were not evacuated. But the show was a success for the curious audience, who had already heard of the children's previous performance. The village of Hayredin had gathered to applaud the current brave actors and future rulers. Because we want it or not, the world will be changed by our children.
The Bulgarian destiny

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