NGO Flower Theater

Theatre Tsvete,
zh.k.. Mladost 1, bl.15, вх.Б, apt. 41
City. Sofia
Postal code. 1750
tel / fax: 02/884 54 71
mob: 0898 644 971 - Violina Markova
mob: 0886 319 605 - Tsvete Yaneva
Joint theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet from Bond Street theater – NYC. Theater tour and art workshops with children from different ethnic groups in post-war Kosovo
With the support of ArtsLink & Trust for Mutual Understanding - USA
Facilitation of the First Balkan Reconciliation Youth Seminar, in Plovdiv
Organized by UNESCO
"Everything worked in perfect harmony - the scenery, the music, pantomime, jazz, comedy and other elements. "
Mehmed Latifi, "Facts" -
Gillian, KosovoThis "Romeo and Juliet" was an extraordinary human tragicomedy . She conveyed a special message of love to the audience, peace and tolerance between people. "
Arif Muharemi, “Koha Ditore”-
Pristina, Kosovo
The project was named the best project of ART LINKS for 2000 year in the United States