2000 - "Post - Conflict Theater in the Balkans"- 1

Joint theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet from Bond Street theater – NYC. Theater tour and art workshops with children from different ethnic groups in post-war Kosovo
With the support of ArtsLink & Trust for Mutual Understanding - USA

Facilitation of the First Balkan Reconciliation Youth Seminar, in Plovdiv
Organized by UNESCO


  • UNICEF asked us to help raise children's awareness of the dangers of mines
  • The enmity of Monteci and Capuleti - an analogue of the Balkan bloody drama
  • Mass graves, flies, crows and ruins…
  • They warn us not to speak Bulgarian on the street.
  • At night we travel with KFOR security.
  • Submission on Romeo and Juliet in Presevo. The priest's staff with a Christian cross made the whole hall jump and jealous of the stage. We became scared and sad.


"Everything worked in perfect harmony - the scenery, the music, pantomime, jazz, comedy and other elements. "
Mehmed Latifi, "Facts" -
Gillian, Kosovo

This "Romeo and Juliet" was an extraordinary human tragicomedy . She conveyed a special message of love to the audience, peace and tolerance between people. "
Arif Muharemi, “Koha Ditore”-
Pristina, Kosovo

The project was named the best project of ART LINKS for 2000 year in the United States

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