1997 - Socializing cultural program for children from 6 Montana Home for Children and Adolescents

With the support of a charity fund Raina Kabaivanska

My very good friend, the director, invited me to complete the project together "The soul of the object", conceived as a joint theatrical activity of children from the Home for Children and Adolescents (DYU) "Ran Bosilek" and children from the nearby district. "Revival", where I ran a student theater studio. I readily accepted.

But before the project starts, she went to the United States forever, and I had to do the work myself. More precisely, together with my little daughter.

The emotions from my relationship with the children were too strong. Instead 3, I stayed with them 9 months. There was no more giving up. I wanted to take care of all the sick children in the country who lack love, to give them mine, to feel, that they have a friend, who loves them… I wanted to teach them to love. Violence, among which they lived, it was horrible!

I wrote my first project "Socializing cultural program" for the whole of Bulgaria! I was ready to eradicate evil all over the country at once! Strange, my good intentions were not appreciated.:( I remembered, that I have to "cut" my program into small pieces. And I handed two "Socializing cultural programs" for two regions, in two foundations.

At that time, two other very good friends of mine, directors, sharing my social excitement, won the support of the Civil Society Development Foundation for their project "Positive social adaptation of children at risk". It included training for everyone, who would take this difficult path, and also a field for expression in 5 DDU in the Lovech and Sofia region.

Flower Theater it was him, who set out on this difficult path.

It happened like that, that during 300 - hour training at Dr. David Yeroham "Psychodramatic and art techniques when working with children, victim of violence ", after a long wait, we received a message at the same time, that both of my "Socializing Cultural Programs" - a charity fund - have been approved Raina Kabaivanska support its implementation in 6 DDU in the Montana area, and support for 5 DDY in Kyustendil region, took Center "Open Education"



And so, in October, 1997 began our unforgettable baptism of fire - 16 day tour c 16 various social homes


Every day in a new home, with different children, with the same diagnosis: SICK OF LACK OF LOVE. – 16 Home for children, deprived of parental care in Kyustendil district, Montana, Lovech and Sofia


Because the DDU were built in places as far away from civilization as possible, we are trying to make going there a cultural event for the local community. In the pre-sent information about the upcoming visit is written our offer to play "Grandma's Tales", performance with international awards, in the village community center or the gym of the social home in front of a wide audience.

Such an organization had been made in only two places. In most cases, pedagogues at DDU become graduates who have not found another job and they are not interested in this job.

The theatrical performance was the calling card, with which we introduced ourselves to the children. Of course, we won their sympathy and interest in our art and they willingly joined the endeavors, which we offered them.

And that, which we offered them,it was to do theater together. In the theater, everything depends on everyone - on this one, who is on stage and from this one, which illuminates it; from the one who dances and from the one, who plays the music; from the one who makes the dolls, of this, who pulls the curtains. Whether the performance will be successful, is important for everyone. And it happens, when everyone understands, that each is no less important than the other. Theater is a powerful tool for building teamwork skills.

To alleviate the completely new task for these children "Making theater", we used the very familiar tale "Red Riding Hood". It provides a basis for all discussions, which we wanted to do with the children - violence, trust, thanks….

Usually the children in a home were in between 50 and 120. And we - five. He collects so much Lada. We divided the children into interest groups: actors, set designers, singers and dancers. They chose which one to join. "Scenographers" made under our guidance dolls-copies of ours, with which The "actors" they rehearsed. These were colored cardboard dolls and light slats, which then remained for them , with wishes for new performances. There was a fifth group - these, who did not want to get involved in anything. The smallest, which didn't make her the best- the easy one. A rehearsal followed, representation, applause, discussions, surprised teachers and aunts…

And after, after dinner, the last part of our program was coming . I don't know what to call her. We kept announcing it as a disco, and it turned into an evening of sharing experiences and artistic experiences. A very small proportion of foster children are real orphans; most are so-called. social orphans - children at the expense of their family; unwanted and discarded. Children, who know and expect their parents, and they do not come.

And so - day after day of 13.00 to 23.00 - in the heavy air of unclean orphanage buildings. Among countless stories, which sound like a thriller, but are the reality of children, who embrace us with hope, that we can take them with us, to become their parents…..

But the next day we are gone. We were just a meteor in their darkness. I hope they keep the light and remember our meeting! At least in the memories to have a light.

In our desire to give warmth to as many children as possible, my projects provided for one-day visits to the maximum number of homes. This is not the right strategy.

From 23.00 to 13.00 is the rest of our working time - this one, in which we tell each other, we share, we analyze, we reshape. If I fall asleep, I wake up from nightmares. Truly a baptism of fire.


We felt a huge difference in the results of our work with children, with whom we met in three consecutive months in the implementation of "Positive social adaptation of children at risk".

No matter how much time we spend on children, it is never enough. But we must try to plan it that way, to be of maximum use to them.

This, that they had an expectation for our next meeting, motivated them to be active in the performance of tasks, which we set for them for independent work. There was time to think and continue the conversation. There was a time for friendship to develop. There was time for a trial.

Each of our visits began with a puppet show, which began to bring at least a dozen more outside children, which we rejoiced from the heart! (After "Grandma's tales" followed "Who conquered the Sun.?“ - a puppet show against violence with the participation of the spectators and "Snow Adventures" - interactive Christmas performance about friendship.)

Within this project we conducted School of Tolerance for over 350 children. Participants were divided into 2 age groups:

-6 – 12 year. . Building a theatrical performance based on problem situations set by us, whose solution the children have found together. So in the five social homes under the same initial conditions we received 5 various performances.

-12 – 18 Discussions on current social issues. Construction of a musical-satirical Christmas show.





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