2020 - “Colorful shadows”

Co-financed by a program "Culture" of Sofia Municipality

Colorful shadowsThe partnership project of the NGO "Flower Theater" and the Foundation Health Initiative provides for innovative non - formal health education of 800-1000 growing up between 13 and 18 years, aimed at preventing the use of >narcotic drugs and the associated risk of infection with HIV, by including them in a forum theatrical performance and interactive training of a group of young trainers of their peers. Learning by doing and experiencing, whatever forum theater offers, gives deeper and more lasting results than any didactic method. It gives viewers an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in potentially problematic life situations..


Due to the imposed emergency measures, the implementation of the project was postponed, even uncertain. Supported by the Sofia Program "Culture", we digitized the show, to ensure its spread in the presence of an epidemiological situation.
We are happy to announce, that for now project "Color shadows" of the NGO is carried out Live.

On 29.09.2020. from 11:50 the eponymous forum theatrical performance was presented at Princess Maria-Louisa Vocational School of Clothing– city. Sofia. And on 05.10.2020 from 12;45 An interactive training on the topic was conducted with the same ninth-graders by expert psychologists from the Foundation Health Initiative.

Colorful shadows Colorful shadows Colorful shadows

Colorful shadows Colorful shadows Colorful shadows

The next object of the event was Vocational High School of Ecology and Biotechnology "Prof.. Dr. Asen Zlatarov - city. Sofia. There on 16.10.2020 from 13:50 interactive training on the topic was conducted "Myths and reality about the consequences of drug use", and on 23.10.2020. from 13:50 a forum theatrical performance was presented "Color shadows".

On the last day before the entry into force of the new strict restrictions, associated with the coronavirus pandemic, on 26.11.2020, we managed to play another live performance in front of students from 156 Vasil Levski Primary School, and their meeting with our psychologist partners was on 10.12.2020 in online format.

Colorful shadows

On 12.11.2020. took place online premiere of the digitized show "Color shadows" in front of students of pedagogy from SU "St.. Kliment Ohridski ”, and on 26.11.2020. The main participants in the forum theatrical online performance were the young people from the crisis center "Hope" of the foundation P.U.L.S.. The same young people participated in the interactive training "Myths and realities about the consequences of drug use" on 08.12.2020 r.


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