"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

2017 - "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

Erasmus + program


Key action 2:

Strategic partnership projects

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

AGREEMENT № 2016-1-PL01-KA204-026320 (4)


Resume for the project

The project "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and foreigners " takes action on behalf of various disadvantaged groups, including the elderly, women in a difficult situation, victims of all forms of violence, people with educational disabilities, migrants (with special emphasis on the fate of women), by opposing their discrimination. Five partnership meetings are planned, including two of 5 school days, during which the participants - lecturers from the partner countries of this project - will acquire knowledge about the three specific methods (biographical story for an interview, biographical conversation, drama). These new skills will be used to diagnose problems and try to solve them, and the first step in this direction will be to develop profiles of adults of different ages (25 + / 60 +) from disadvantaged backgrounds. In every country, several biographical interviews with representatives of the target groups will be conducted, and their fate will be visualized with the help of drama. technicians. The following questions will be raised in interviews: to locals: What is their desire to accept "strangers", what knowledge they have about the problem of migration and refugees, what is their political consciousness, what are their stereotypes on this topic , and whether they would like to find themselves in the situation of migrants in their own country. Other questions, which will be raised, will address the issue of the Euro-orphanage, namely, the impact of parental migration and the upbringing of children by grandparents. On the other hand, we will want to know what the expectations of migrants were, related to the new destination, as well as whether they are met, what is the reason for their emigration, how the choice of destination was made and what is their knowledge of social, geographical and cultural circumstances in the country of destination. At the Poleski Art Center, the artistic activities of the coordinating organization, will be supported by members of the Center for Active Pensioners, working there.

The project is aimed at training the staff and instructors of the European institutions, participating in the project, as well as a group of learners, related to these institutions, and people from groups vulnerable to marginalization. Project activities will cover involved around 1000 souls, among listeners and viewers. The main goal of our project is to improve the quality of education and lifelong learning. However, an equally important goal is to reflect on such concepts as: hatred, respect, mercy and love, and building dialogue between people, so that they talk to each other, and are curious about each other. The project aims to eliminate the fear of foreign migrants. A lasting result of the project will be: a public project website, the pages of the partner organizations, links to the project on the pages of other organizations, working against discrimination and exclusion, electronic brochure with a description of the methods and results of the project in English and in the national languages ​​of the partner organizations.


The program:
Sunday, 12 February: Arrival of partners

Monday, 13 February
Conference location: "Citizens' Office", Lower arbor 24
9.00 – 9.30 Presentation of the partner institutions
9.30 – 10.30 Project distribution / Schedule / Work in small groups
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 – 12.45 h. Presentation of "The Constance Biographical Talks" (Gödelitzer model) from Any Cybulla, Integration Officer of Constance and Zahide Sarikas, member of Council of Constance

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

13.00 – 15.00 Lunch at a restaurant „Münsterhof“
"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "15.00 – 17.30 tour of the exhibition "Spirit" - project for identity and cultural imprints

and best practice "The meaning of the first name for our identity" from Any Cybulla

Come on, tell us the name, which they call there at home -

Mother, father, fellow citizens, the neighbors around.

Certainly no man in the world is nameless, all are called.

Born in high society or in a shack,

as soon as the child sees the light

His parents always call him, after he was born.

Homer, Odyssey, Book VIII

Names in cultural communication

Each culture has its own names. Many cultures view proper names not only as belonging to humans, but also as identical with them. And while all cultures apply naming by small names, the rules for their use, as well as for giving them, may vary.

Official naming is usually prescribed by national laws and regulations. At the same time, there may be informal naming rules. These informal practices may have a special personal value.

Social changes are reflected as in the official, as well as in the informal naming. for example, in the Middle Eastern countries surnames were introduced in the 50s of the 20th century. Self-chosen names are often an expression of self-awareness and belonging, which is why their correct pronunciation and spelling are extremely important.

The correct use of names is essential for interpersonal communication. They are used as a full name, including first and last names - in a different order, only first name or only last name, name, through which the person is known, pet shape, abbreviated form, pseudonym,

surname in the role of o baptism, associated with address information, parts of an appropriate name or title, used instead of the name or as an appropriate extension to it.

This can dramatically affect the relationship between communication partners.

In the use of all crops, changing or omitting a name conveys respect or contempt, mockery or recognition; They convey intimacy, tenderness or distancing and reproach. The chosen form of address conveys the social roles and elements of the relationship. The "wrong" chosen form of address can strain social relationships. for example, the use of the informal "you", instead of the official "you" or incorrect pronunciation of a name, it can be perceived as intentional or unconscious disregard. Appropriate use of an appropriate name helps to establish contact in conversations between partners and can contribute to their willingness to cooperate.. Listening to a person's name increases attention and can make it easier to absorb new information.

© Dr. Sabine Handschuck - Institute for Intercultural Qualifications Munich IQM

www.i-iqm.de; Page. 16 ; Translated from Greek by Robert Fassals.

Translator's comment: This applies to languages, who have such a distinction, e.g.. Of / Sie in German or tu / Lei in Italian as opposed to e.g.. English and Arabic, which do not distinguish between formal and informal "you".

Recommendations for handling proper names during intercultural situations of first contacts:

  1. Keep in mind, that naming can vary, and the German model is just one of many possibilities.
  2. Determine if the surname in the German sense is common and which of the names is a surname and which / which is / are given a name(on). Keep in mind, that the order of the names may vary even in Official Documents depending on the country of origin of the person. Not in all countries is the last name


  1. be sure, that you have been given the full name of a person, and not just part of the name, which

used in everyday interactions.

  1. Determine whether the title is an addition to the name or an integral part of it.
  2. Ask how the person in question would like you to address him or her.
  3. Make an effort to pronounce her name correctly, if necessary, to seek help. Keep notes on phonetics and spelling or underline the syllable with emphasis, so it can allow quick use
  4. Check spelling.
  5. A person's gender cannot be derived from an unknown name. Add "sir" or "madam" [or "Mrs."], to help you with correspondence.
  6. Ask if a young, an unmarried woman would like to be addressed as a 'lady' or this would be considered a crime in the country of origin.
  7. Find out if the gender can be identified by the masculine or feminine ending of the family name. Some women give up the feminine form of their language, for others, this distinction may be important. Inquiry about the preferred form of address and spelling of the name.
  8. Don't guess, that family affiliation can be reliably identified by surnames. If necessary, ask the full names of each family member.
  9. Imagine your name and your preferred form of address

© Dr. Sabine Handschuck - Institute for Intercultural Qualifications Munich IQM

Find Constance

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

Tuesday, 14 February:
Location: Language Service Constance, Wallgutstrasse 3

9.30 – 10.30 Summary of the meeting and evaluation
10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break
11,10 – 12,30 h. Conducting a course for integration of migrants in German
12.30 – 15.00 Lunch of your choice and free time
15.00 – 17.00 h. Grand trip through Constance from Dr. Goodren Schenkenburger
Meeting: Login to „Münster”

Wednesday, 15 February


31.03 – 03.04.2017; Sofia

Workroom: zh.k.. "Borovo" bl.59, 6-you floor; Anna Lalkowska

Participants: Maria Goldstein, Isabella Pietovska, Tsvete Yaneva, Yanko Velkov, Anna Lalkowska, Nelly Lalkovska, Maria Chalupova, Angelica Brechelmacher, Felice Frank, Aleksandar Todorovski


Friday, 31 March Arrival of the partners

Saturday, 1 April
11.00 – 12.00 Meeting with Healthy Vodenicharova - expert from "Bread House Network". Discussion for a future project with a deadline 26.04.2017
12.00 – 12.30 Coffee break
12.30 – 13.00 Development for the project / Schedule / Working groups Maria Goldstein
13.30 – 15.00 Lunch at a restaurant Happy Bar и Grill
15.00 – 16.30 Presentation of the partner institutions: how / what has been done so far; All partners
16.30 – 18.30 “Discover Sofia” – Nelly Lalkovska - tour
19.00 Dinner: in a restaurant “My home”

Sunday, 2 April:
10.00 – 11.00 People, trained in biographical interviews, will tell the other participants their impressions and experiences from their work with the interviewees; Angelica Brechelmacher and Felisi Frank
11.00 – 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00 Impressions and discussion of experience and variations in different target groups. What are the main target groups; Tsveti Yaneva
13.30 – 15.00 Lunch at the restaurant “Zad Agala”
15.00 – 16.00 Questionnaire as guidelines Characteristics of the interview (supportive / is not interrupted / respects feelings) Maria Chalupova
16.00-17.30 Conclusions of the meeting. Assessment. Anna Lalkowska
18.00 Dinner “Wine Bar” St. Parchevich 32

Monday, 3 April: Departure

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "


Training in Skopje, Macedonia

25 – 29.05.2017

  • The activities of 25 and 26 may take place in GEM club (Menada), Karaorman bb 1000 Skopje
  • The activities of 27 and 28 may be held in a public hall Public Room, 22, 50-and Division, Skopje 1000, Macedonia


25 May:

  • 11:00 - the beginning of the activities, welcoming and greeting partners from Savka Todorovska and Maria Goldstein
  • 11:15 - Introduction of current partners
  • 11:45 - coffee break
  • 12:30 – 13:30 - discussion of interviews
  • 13:30 – 15:00 - Lunch
  • 15:00 – 16:00 - continuing the discussion and deciding which of the stories will be staged
  • 16:00 – 17:00 - retrospective of the day and discussion of the activities of the next day


You can't imagine the risk we are all at, how all-encompassing is evil. Now you are not his direct victims and you can't even imagine him. Politicians are the greatest evil in the world. „- he says Lydia

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "Lydia is a Syrian woman, a devout Christian, English teacher. Her family has been living in the city center for some time Homs. Their neighborhood is surrounded by 13 Christian churches. Her grandmother is an herbalist and weaves the most beautiful carpets in the world. Her father paints beautifully; graduated in surgery in Bulgaria. He successfully combines art and science and established a private hospital for plastic surgery in the town. Homs. In Bulgaria he falls in love with the mother of Lydia, also a doctor. But her daughter is only on 5 years, when she leaves them and returns to her homeland.

Lydia has a son and a daughter. At the time, when war breaks out, the boy is on 21, and the girl - on 17 years. While her daughter is a diligent student, her son is a temperamental artistic boy, which protests against police censorship and racketeering in the country.

Influenced by the Arab Spring, a dozen 15-year-olds from the city Dera write on the wall "Down with the Assad regime!“ The police imprison and abuse them.

Their parents, and then many other citizens from different parts of Syria go on peaceful demonstrations in defense of young people. Lydia she is also in the square - her son could have been one of those children?! The police fired, has to kill. Weapon boxes appeared on the streets. The opposition armed itself with guards and also started firing. The war begins.

Assad besiege the city with tanks; the population is leaving it en masse. People settle in nearby villages. One night Lydia is warned, that the police have a list of demonstrators and are looking for them. She panics and the family immediately crosses Turkey, through 2012 r. it's still easy.

Now she and her husband work in Sofia. Their children are still studying at universities, but they also work. They spend a lot of their family money, to help his son's best friend also cross the borders and join them. "There is no civilian in Syria, a world war, only on the territory of my country. Thousands of Christ crucifixes are crucified there every day, and weep thousands of weeping Virgin Mary. And every day I cry for them. "- says Lydia.

On 25 May 2017 g., after all participants presented the interviews, which they had done, the team chose the history of the colleagues from Macedonia - the National Council for Gender Equality. The President of the NSRP, Mrs. Savka Todorovska told us the following story:

A month ago, Mrs. Maria, Croatian, called the SOS phone in Macedonia. She said, that she had lost her daughter Daria before 25 years. Then her girl fell in love with a young Macedonian, who was exiled to her native Croatia. During the war she went with him somewhere in Macedonia and has not heard from her since

With the help of the police, the NSRP found Daria in a small Muslim village. She had changed her faith and her name, now it was Susanna. That's why her mother couldn't find her for so long. Susanna has an older son and a daughter. Her son Emin helped his father, but her daughter Rezarta, she ran away from home and married various men.

The NSRP created an opportunity for Susanna and Rezarta to move to Croatia. Susanna chooses to become Daria again and live with her mother Maria, but Rezarta returns to Macedonia and changes partners again.

26 May:

  • 11:00 – 12:30 - defining the scenes, which will be performed in the play
  • 12:30 – 13:30 - identification of issues, which will be addressed to the audience
  • 13:30 – 15:00 - Lunch
  • 15:00 – 16:00 - retrospective of the day and discussion of the activities of the next day
  • On the second day of the workshop, the development of the story as a forum play began. The development of the plot was divided into three stages: 1.)The connection of Daria with the young Macedonian until her separation from her mother; 2.)Her life together until her discovery;3.)What happened to her and her daughter after her discovery. Participants were divided into 3 groups, so that they can use a second language in their communications, different from English. The first stage was developed by the representatives of Bulgaria and Macedonia; the second - from the numerous Polish group, and the third by colleagues from Germany and Slovakia, all fluent in German. Ms. Todorovska was asked questions to clarify the story, so that the post-Yugoslav reality becomes understandable to us, foreigners.
    • “Why the mother is looking for her daughter only after 25 years?” - She has been looking for her many times, but after the war the existing structures in the former Yugoslavia were destroyed; the territory is divided into many states; the search for missing relatives is widespread
    • “Didn't the mother know what the boy's religion was??” - During socialism, everyone was an atheist and there was no talk of religion
    • “Why mother and daughter did not exchange visits and letters?” - Croatia was at war, and Macedonia does not. Crossing borders is difficult and undesirable, post offices do not work

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

27 May:

  • 11:00 – 13:00 h. - seminar, conducted by the German partners
  • 13:00 – 15:00 - Lunch
  • 15:00 – 17:00 - rehearsal of the play

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

28 May:

  • 11:00 – 12:30 - rehearsal of the play
  • 12:30 – 13:00 - coffee break
  • 13:00 – 14:00 - rehearsal of the play
  • 14:00 – 16:00 - Lunch
  • 16: 00-17: 00 - rehearsal of the play

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

29 May:

  • 11:00 – 13:00 - city tour
  • 13:00 – 14:00 - coffee break and discussion to continue our cooperation
  • 14:00 - representation

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "

Participants made different assumptions about the reasons, led to the facts known to us from the life of DariaSusan. Because they could be the most diverse, the leading drama-training Bulgarian team paid special attention, that it is conducted in order to enrich the tools of partner organizations with effective means to provoke integration processes in society. The script must be carefully designed this way, that in no case should the viewers be allowed to reproach Islam.

Mrs. Todorovska was a valuable arbiter on the feasibility of proposals on local soil. With disputes and discussions with the acceptance and rejection of individual proposals, the final performance had the following content:


Daria is 19 one year old croatian girl. A nice young man is sitting at the coffee table next to her. They meet, invites her to a disco. Love blazes.

He is Macedonian, works here on a temporary contract, which is about to expire. Quick to come back, because war is expected to break out in Croatia at any moment, and he doesn't want to get involved. Their relationship develops in a flash. He offers her to marry him and go together to a calmer Macedonia. Daria she is very happy. She quickly introduces him to her mother, sign and leave.

The war begins. Daria lives in a peaceful village, but he worries about his mother. Already 3 he writes her letters, and there is no answer. The post office is closed, and crossing borders is difficult and dangerous - there is no way to connect with it! And the news, who come from Zagreb, are scary! Christians and Muslims, until yesterday they lived as brothers, today they are being ruthlessly exterminated. Her mother-in-law, ether her, like all the other women in the village cover their heads and Daria surprised to discover, that she lives among Muslims. For this they have not talked to her husband so far - none of them was interested in religion.

Daria gets pregnant and that changes things. Her husband and mother-in-law kindly invite her to accept their faith, to keep her and their child safe in these troubled times. Daria she herself felt the disapproving looks of her neighbors on her hair. Her mother-in-law throws a beautiful scarf over her head and hugs her warmly. And to understand the village, that she is no longer a non-believer, Daria accepts the name Susan.

One after another, a boy and a girl are born to them. Susan takes care of the children and the house, together with his mother-in-law, and her husband works in the city and returns to them only on weekends.

Finally, the war is over! One day a policeman arrives at their place, who is looking for a woman by name Daria. Her mother-in-law denies that such a person lives in the house, but Susan he is not afraid to tell the truth.

After the war, a severe economic crisis ensued. Her husband is finding it increasingly difficult to find work. And the children are growing, the money is not enough. He starts drinking. When Susan trying to talk to him, he hits her. Their daughter Rezarta trying to protect his mother, but also gets slapped. Beatings and scandals become commonplace. Rezarta trying to persuade her mother to leave her husband, but Susan he has nowhere else to go. However, the girl does not reconcile and is looking for a way to leave the hated home.

A gallant handsome man turns the girl's head. He offers her a well-paid job at a hair cosmetics advertising house. Rezarta is deceived and caught in the trafficking of girls. Relatives and friends turn their eyes away from her.


After the presentation of the story, the audience pointed out the three women, the grandmother, as victims, mother and granddaughter. She chose to make suggestions, through which to try to improve the fate of the mother DariaSusan.

Interventions made:

1.) Daria does not object to the change of faith, because. it doesn't matter to her, but does not accept a change of name.

In our case, her husband threatened her with divorce, but this did not change the decision of Daria (presented by a spectator). She said, that she hoped to keep her new family's support for herself and their future child, and she hoped her husband would reconsider his decision.. At the same time, however, it is very important for her to keep in touch and support her loving mother, as he does for his mother-in-law. She wants to be an equal partner in her marriage, and not dependent on the whims of her husband.

2.) Susan reveals the whole truth to the policeman, managing to maintain a warm relationship with his mother-in-law. She explained, that it will continue to be said about the others in the village Susan, but she wants her mother to stop worrying about her and come to hug her and her mother-in-law, like a mother, he must understand her.

3.)Proposed, but not played, was in conversations to stop daily drunkenness, to include the mother of the alcoholic spouse, which is a holy person for Muslims.

In the ensuing conversations, the participants expressed satisfaction, that their joint work has an anti-war message.



Training 24 – 30.11.2017; Vienna, Austria


Working halls:

Venue 1, 25 – 26 November:

University of Klagenfurt, Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Vienna

Venue 2, 27 – 29 November:

Geriatric center in the Vienna Woods / Lainz Hospital, Jagdschlossgasse 59, 1130 Wien


11.00 – 13.30 - Presentation of the program and new participants

Presentation “Biographical interviews”Angelika Brechelmacher

13.30-15:00 - Lunch

15:00 -19:00 Interviews – Tренинг “Biographical interviews”Angelika Brechelmacher



10:00 – 13:00 - Visiting exhibitions and other events, related to the subject of the project

13:00 -14:00 - Lunch

14:00 -19:00 – "Biographical conversations" - presentation and moderation Zahide Sarikas


10:00 - meeting of Meet at Hietzing underground station

11:00 –18:00 ( lunch included)-

“Our portraits” - workshop on Brigitte Gadnik -Jiskra

"Biographical conversations with refugees" - moderator Zahide Sarikas

Choosing a story for a performance


10:00 -12:00 - Attending events, museums and exhibitions, related to the subject of the project

12:00 – 13:00 - Lunch

13:00 - meeting of Hietzing underground station

14:00 – 18:00 - training in forum theater, moderated by the Polish team - Hanna Gzella, Jadwiga Konopacka, Marta Czajczyńska, Barbara Grabowska -Pankiewicz


Forum theatrical performance

“Children's rhymes from around the world” Brigitte Gadnik – Iiskra

Evaluation and discussion until the end of the day

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "


The event, narrated by our participant Bistra Dragolova:

Migrants in Europe - integration and problems

From 24-30 November 2017 within the project In Europe in program Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership in Vienna was held a workshop with international participation on current issues, related to the European migrant crisis and the models and mechanisms for the integration of refugees.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations from Austria at the forum, Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Macedonia and Bulgaria held discussions and analyzes on the difficulties and challenges facing the integration processes and the degree of readiness of the European societies to successfully implement them. Trafficking in refugees and economic migrants mainly from the Middle East, Africa and South Asia to the Schengen area The European Union faces the difficult task of receiving and distributing huge masses of people with drastically different ethnocultural backgrounds., social and religious identity and places European societies, political parties and authorities face difficult integration processes.

The main center of the workshop was the training in the methods of the biographical interview, forum theater and fine arts as a means of contact between migrants and society, in which they integrate.

Techniques and methods for the integration of refugees have been experimented and successfully applied in Geriatric center in the Vienna Woods, where the members of the group in the workshop met migrants of different nationalities, participating in the project IGOR (Integration work&Health promotion in public spaces), whose motto is "Learning through friendship". Every newcomer there has abilities, which it can demonstrate and which are targeted in workshops or places of practice. The project includes educational and cultural work, as well as group training. Using the methods of the biographical interview, emotionally saturated facts from the lives of young refugees from Afghanistan and Syria were revealed., which aroused sympathy and a desire for support in the group. The theater's techniques caused excitement and joy in the refugee children.

Integration techniques and practices have a wider application and can be used in various fields - sociology, psychology, journalism, pedagogy.

As part of the workshop, participants visited in Vienna Museum Karlsplatz the multimedia exhibition "History of movement: Shared stories ”, dedicated to labor migration from the former Yugoslavia and Turkey. The exhibition traces the lives and destinies of migrants in Vienna from the 1960s, whose initial intentions are for temporary residence and the idea to earn money for a better life in the homeland. But limited stay plans in many cases turn out to be unrealistic and the return does not take place.. Migrants form civic associations, in Vienna their families and guest workers emigrated and integrated into Austrian society. The exhibition is an exciting look at the life of this category of people in all its manifestations - at work, in school, in the free time.


08.12.2017; Sofia

"You are different!“ presents the problems between a Muslim mother and daughter, fled the Syrian war. In Bulgaria they are from 3 years, the mother works, the daughter is in high school. The girl likes greater freedoms, who have her peers here, but her attempt to be like them was met with strong resentment from her mother.

"In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers " "In Europe, with us or without us - the fate of the excluded and strangers "