Rotary Club

2003 - "Universal embrace for peace"

Facilitation of socializing art activities of families - victims of 11 September in Borovets.

With the support of Rotary Club - USA, Bulgaria, Turkey

A universal embrace for peace A universal embrace for peace






One week inclusion of 60 man, family members of the victim of 11 September 2001 in a variety ART ATELIER in order to relieve the received stress and encourage new inclusion in social life.

Art therapy techniques are associated with different types of art. There were dance classes in our one-week camp, music, traffic, art, fashion design and dolls. We facilitated the activities of the last two workshops, and the rest were led by American colleagues.

Art is a unique way of transmitting the universal and individual human experience - without an element of obligation, moralizing and obsessive-compulsive disorder; without claim to objectivity, truthfulness and instructiveness; without setting mandatory pragmatic goals. Unlike the exact forms of science, art retains enough uncertainty. This gives the participant the opportunity to draw his own conclusions and, depending on your life experience and potential, to perceive in different depths the messages sent to him . Interactive art techniques are game, which makes them fun and attractive for all participants. That is why it is very suitable for working in mixed groups of social origin and circumstances..

A universal embrace for peace A universal embrace for peace A universal embrace for peace

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