War stories

The project was implemented with the financial support of the National Fund “Culture” in program “PROGRAM FOR THE RESTORATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRIVATE CULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS”


Welcome to the second premiere of Flower Theater, which continues the series of educational performances to help students. War stories on Jordan Yovkov "Last Joy" and "Valkadin talks to God" they will come to life on stage and will unfortunately still be painfully relevant today. The author takes us through the horror of war and its aftermath in the first person. There, where the beauty, love and normal human relationships give way to brutality. Hope and the answers to the big questions – we will search together…

Login : 10 BGN /on the spot/
Entrance for students: 5 BGN
  • Dramatization and direction

    Vasil Spasov

  • Set design and costumes

    Boyana Bachvarova

  • Music

    Konstantin Kuchev

  • Participate

    Violin Alexandrova, Denis Nikolov, Ekaterina Kazakova, Mariela Stancheva, Martin Noev, Mikhail Petrov, Stanimir Mihailov

  • Duration

    60 minutes

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