“What would you do” and “The flying knight” in Yambol

At the invitation of “Inner Wheel Club Yambol” we visited with two shows “And what would you do?” and “The flying knight” in the city. Yambol.

"The flying knight" 24.04.2024r.

In the month of April 2024 r. Inner Wheel Club Yambol held a series of events, dedicated to the children of Yambol. One of them was related to the prevention of school bullying.. Bullying is an umbrella term for many types of school violence - assault, deliberate social isolation, try, hostile attitude based on ethnic or sexual origin, threats, extortion, cyber and mobile harassment etc. Nowadays, school bullying is growing and becoming a socially significant phenomenon. Therefore, it is very important to teach children to recognize it and be able to oppose it. By invitation of the ladies of Inner Wheel Club Yambol, the children from "Lyuben Karavelov" elementary school in the city are visited by "Tsvete" theater with the educational performance "The Flying Knight". Two performances were put on for the students of all the third and fourth grades of the school. The main theme of the event was: prevention against school violence. The performance was organized for approx 200 children, who actively participated in the discussion and problem solving. The forum-theatre with puppets presented a real situation from school life. It told the story of a boy with an unusually wild imagination. His classmates do not accept him because of his differences. And his parents are mired in their own problems. The performance teaches children to be intolerant of the violence of their classmates and to protect each other. If they are silent and patient, the abuser believes, that he is invincible and continues, while at one point provoking retaliatory violence. At the end of the performance, the actors entered into a dialogue with the small audience and challenged them to propose their own solution to the problem, and so help them reach their own conclusions. The wish of the ladies of the Inner Wheel Club Yambol is that the children grow up educated, attentive and tolerant, to be able to protect themselves and their classmates from any form of violence.

"And what would you do?" 30.04.2024r.

On 30 April at the initiative of the Inner Wheel Club Yambol in u-shte "Petko Slaveikov" and u-will "Nikolai Petrini" the play was presented " And what would you do??" This is a forum theater performance. In the three parts - The compass, Female Fighting and The Bully were presented as three of the most common forms of school violence. Students decide which of them to try to bring about positive change, changing at a certain moment and in a way they think is right, the behavior of the injured hero. The production is at a theater " Tsvete".

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