Like a game – forum theater for children

“LIKE A GAME” is a forum-theatrical performance, created on an actual case. A first grader likes his classmate and shows it by teasing her. The girl begins to avoid him. The boy gets angry and one day pushes her. Her parents want the boy to be transferred to another class or school.
FORUM THEATER is a performance in two parts. In the first part, the actors present a problematic situation in an unresolved form. In the second, the audience acquires the right to participate in the action and seeks solutions to the problem.
FORUM THEATER gives viewers an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in potentially problematic life situations.
The distribution is realized with the financial support of National Culture Fund.
  • Screenplay and direction

    Ekaterina Kazakova

  • Joker

    Ekaterina Kazakova

  • Participate

    Ana Valchanova, Nadelina Kambitova, Martin Noev and Mikhail Petrov

  • Duration

    45 minutes

  • Appropriate for

    7-10 annual

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