Theatre “Tsvete” will visit the Humanitarian High School in Sliven

On 13 October at the Profiled Humanitarian High School "Damyan Damyanov" will host the theater "Flower"

On 13 October in the Profiled Humanitarian High School "Damyan Damyanov" will visit the theater "Flower". The formation is a non-governmental organization, in which there are professional actors, directors, psychologists and volunteers. Already 27 years they apply in their work innovative interactive theatrical techniques for Bulgaria, which help children and young people to get to know and accept themselves and others, provoke their personal development and encourage their positive inclusion in public life. Forum theatre is a theatrical play, in which the problem is shown in an unresolved form. The audience, who is also a participant in the performance, is invited to suggest and play solutions, as in the replay of the performance the spectator enters the role of the victim at a moment chosen by him and changes his behavior in a way he thinks is appropriate.. Forum Theater provides viewers with an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in possible problematic life situations.. The theater troupe Flying Attempt of the Humanities High School is included in the project of the organization "Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity", which is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of EIP. The main goal of this project, in which four more schools from different regions of the country participate, is the development and implementation of educational tools for human rights education. A period of joint work of the troupe of UGS "Damyan Damyanov" with the actors from the theater Tanya Yorgova and Yavor Kostov, which includes two creative camps in Chepelare.

On 13 October from 11.00 hours in the hall of The military club for the school community of UGS "Damyan Damyanov" the performance of "Color shadows", in which theatrical play is also an innovative informal health education for young viewers, aimed at preventing drug use and the associated risk of HIV infection. After the performance, the team of the theater "Flower invites school principals, teachers, leaders of student theater troupes, social workers and journalists in 12.30 hours in the multimedia hall of the Humanities High School for a meeting-conversation to present the project. After the meeting, the first creative contacts of the young theatrical humanists with the theater team will take place "Flower".

Forum theatrical performance for young people over 13 years on drug use and the risk of HIV infection, which are part of the challenges facing young people.

Participate: Nevena Dencheva, Tanya Yorgova, Mikhail Petrov, Philip Gulyashki

Forum Theatre is a theatrical play, in which the problem is shown in an unresolved form. The audience, who is also a participant in the performance, is invited to suggest and play solutions, as in the replay of the performance the spectator took on the role of the victim at a moment chosen by him and changed his behavior for the better., according to him way.

Forum Theater provides viewers with an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in possible problematic life situations..

Theatrical and social formation "Theatre Tsvete" was founded in 1993 from alumni of NATFA "Krastyo Sarafov", Sofia - Department Puppet theatre. On 13 April, 1999 is registered as a non-profit association under the Law on Persons and the Family. Through 2013 the association is re-registered under the Law for the non-profit legal entities in performing activity in public benefit.

The actors work and FOR and WITH children and young people and their environment to create preconditions for their future positive inclusion in social life, regardless of their origin and capabilities:

  • - for the development of their personal potential and building a value system;
  • - for prevention of participation in acts of violence, ethnic intolerance, sexually transmitted diseases, human trafficking, drugs;
  • - for the inclusion of disadvantaged adolescents: from minority ethnic groups, deprived of parental care, homeless, with physical and intellectual problems, with deviant behavior, dropped out of school, victims of violence and military conflicts;
  • - for their inclusion in a youth network for non-formal civic education of peers under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Applying innovative for our country theater- and drama techniques, actors conduct non-formal civic education among adolescents. The audience is not just a spectator, a and a participant in an interactive presentation. In work sessions, students learn through experience, and not by learning, how to deal with life's problems

To help successfully introduce young people from isolated communities into social life, the team works to break stereotypes in society's attitude towards them.

They conduct trainings for pedagogues, actors and social workers for the application of art in the social and educational spheres.

Dear friends, we are happy to inform you, that the partnership project "Color shadows" on NGO "Flower Theater" and Health Initiative Foundation , financed by Sofia Program "Culture", finally launched! The project envisages conducting innovative non-formal health education for adolescents in between 13 and 18 years, aimed at preventing drug use and the associated risk of HIV infection. On 29.09.2020r. from 11:50 the eponymous theatrical performance forum will be presented at PGO "Princess Maria-Louise". The Forum Theater provides the audience with an incredible chance to try out different models of behavior in a safe environment in possible real problem situations. 05.10.2020 from 12:45 There will be an interactive training by psychologists-experts on the topic from Health Initiative Foundation.

Organizes public performances of theatrical performances, in which they participate, together with other peers.

Conducts national and international trainings and exchange of experience in the application of drama- and theater techniques in social work for educators, actors, social workers, young people - volunteers (The Balkans, Western Europe, USA). Looking for cooperation with parents, state and municipal institutions, NGOs, mass media.

Winner of international awards.

Member of International Drama / Theater Association in Education IDEA, The National Network for Children, World Puppet Theater Association UNIMA, The Association of Bulgarian Puppet Theaters ACT, Association for Pedagogical and Social Assistance to Children FICE - Bulgaria and The National Alliance for Social Responsibility.

The project "Exercise your rights with knowledge and creativity" is implemented with financial support in the amount of 113,600 euros, provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Financial Mechanism of EIP. The main goal of the project is to develop and implement educational tools for human rights education.

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