Theatre Tsvete offers five forum theatrical performances, associated with various forms of violence, suitable for different age groups. Forum theatre is a theatrical play, in which the actors present a problematic situation. The audience, who is also a participant in the performance, is invited to suggest and play solutions to alleviate it. Forum theatre gives viewers an incredible chance to try out in a safe environment different patterns of behavior in potentially problematic life situations. The presented cases are suitable for additional discussions in class.
“AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO?” is a forum theatrical performance, in which three of the most common forms of school violence are presented. Viewers decide which one to try to bring about positive change. Best for 3you to 9th grade including;
“COMMENT ON THIS!” is a theatrical play, created on a real case of violence. It aims to draw the attention of young Internet users to personal responsibility, which everyone has, to the protection of other people's personal space. Best for 4you to 9th grade including;
"YOU WILL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!” presents a dramatic conflict between daughter and mother. Viewers make assumptions about the events, led to rupture. In the story created on the basis of their own experience, young people are looking for ways to ease the child-parent relationship. Most appropriate for 6th to 10th grade including;
“YOU COOL ARE YOU?” presents the drama of replacing the moral values of the young man with material quantitative criteria, which he must perform, to be admitted to a particular social group. Most suitable for 5you to 10th grade including;
"ME AND YOU" is a show about the euphoria of the first love excitements and voluntary or involuntary misunderstandings, which break the fragile bond. Young people will have the opportunity to give ideas for positive changes in the course of events, whose effectiveness they will test in the love laboratory created in this way. Most suitable for 5you to 8th grade including.
It is important to know about the performances, that:
- Three or more professional actors take part in each performance;
- Performances do not necessarily require a theater hall and technical assistance from the school;.
- Each forum theatrical performance has a duration 45 – 60 minutes (theatrical discussion is an integral part of it);
- The audience can be no more than 80 man;
- Price – depending on the number of the invited performances