“Theatre – surprise” one-man show by Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova

Surprise theater
Hello, dear parents of young children! We invite you to a puppet show!
The theme of the one-man show corresponds to the current situation of social isolation. Uncle Doctor with many songs and jokes will explain to children basic medical concepts such as: “anesthesia”, “x-ray”, “operation”. Thus, with games and laughter, children will reduce their subconscious fear of understanding “disease and health”, “enemy and friend”, “loneliness and sharing”. The history of The tiger cub, which growled at Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh and The butterfly gives an idea to the children, that the hardest thing is to be without friends!
The ticket price is 6 leva, What about these, who use the services of the community center, enjoy 50% reduction.
  • Scenario

    Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova

  • Directing

    V. Stefanova / Tsv. Янева

  • Music

    J. Kolev

  • Participate

    Violina Vasileva-Alexandrova

  • Duration


  • Appropriate for

    the smallest

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