The project will be implemented for 32 months (from 01-09-2018 to 30-04-2021) from a consortium of 7 partner organizations from 6 different countries (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, France, Portugal and Denmark) and associate partner, led by FSZK НПО, Hungary.
The main goal of the project is to support the daily work of educators to prevent various types of harassment among young people - from ridicule to abuse. A complete system of tools will be developed in the project, which includes:
- Simulation game, mainly for young people (O1);
- Guidelines for working with the experience of young people, acquired from the simulation game (O2);
– Methodology on Forum theatre, which also works with their experience, acquired by the game (O3).
One of the goals of the game is to increase the sensitivity and awareness of young people about the different ways of harassment.. Another important goal of the project is to encourage and support the social inclusion of such vulnerable groups, who already have fewer opportunities and thus have a greater chance of becoming victims of harassment. The simulation game supports our shared responsibility to avoid harassment situations. The third goal of the project is to provide the necessary knowledge and practices to young people (including young people from different types of vulnerable groups) for recognition, avoid and / or dealing with such situations in the best possible way.
- Copenhagen City Youth School (Denmark)
- E2C73 (France)
- Association of Hungarian Head Teachers (Hungary)
- Second Chance School of Matosinhos (Portugal)
- Babes Bolyai University (Romania)
- Flower Theater (Bulgaria)
- Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Non-Profit Ltd. (Hungary)

Because the pandemic situation severely limited our ability to disseminate information about the project, We decided, that the most useful way to achieve its main goal - yes

OBJECTIVES: Testing the relevance of the translated characters, situations and alternative reactions in a national context, to be improved, if necessary. Testing the guidelines and

Important progress in Portugal!
The fourth partnership meeting of the Erasmus + project - "Prevention of harassment and abuse" (PREVENT) was organized by 30 September to 3 October 2019.

New motivation from France
The third meeting of the Erasmus project +, entitled "Prevention of Harassment and Abuse" was held on 12-14 June 2019. in Chambery, France. The meeting started

Progress in Denmark
After the first meeting (Budapest, December 2018 g.) the members of the consortium are working hard to finalize the already existing symbols and situations in the game, and the game was

Test 1
Flower Theater conducted the first test of the game 22.02. 2019 r. in the 117th High School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" in the town. Buhovo - a small working town in